// +build mage package main import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "github.com/jtolds/qod" "github.com/magefile/mage/mg" "github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter" ) var wd string var arches []string var bins []string var tools []string func init() { lwd, err := os.Getwd() qod.ANE(err) wd = lwd arches = []string{"amd64", "ppc64", "386", "arm", "arm64"} bins = []string{"route-httpagent", "routectl", "routed"} tools = []string{ "github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep", "github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go", "github.com/twitchtv/twirp/protoc-gen-twirp", } } const pkgBase = "git.xeserv.us/xena/route/" func buildBins(goos, goarch string) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() d := filepath.Join(wd, "./bin") os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(d, goos, goarch), 0777) for _, pkg := range bins { env := []string{"GOOS=" + goos, "GOARCH=" + goarch} goBuild(ctx, env, filepath.Join(d, goos, goarch), "cmd/"+pkg) goInstall(ctx, env, "cmd/"+pkg) qod.Printlnf("built binary for %s for %s/%s", pkg, goos, goarch) } } // Dep reruns `dep`. func Dep() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() shouldWork(ctx, nil, wd, "dep", "ensure", "-update") shouldWork(ctx, nil, wd, "dep", "prune") } // Docker builds docker images func Docker() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() ver, err := gitTag() qod.ANE(err) shouldWork(ctx, nil, wd, "docker", "build", "-t", "xena/route-core", ".") shouldWork(ctx, nil, wd+"/run", "docker", "build", "-t", "xena/routed:"+ver, "-f", "Dockerfile.routed", ".") shouldWork(ctx, nil, wd+"/run", "docker", "build", "-t", "xena/route-httpagent:"+ver, "-f", "Dockerfile.agent", ".") } // Linux builds binaries for linux func Linux() { for _, arch := range arches { buildBins("linux", arch) } Plugin() } // Windows builds binaries for windows func Windows() { buildBins("windows", "amd64") } // Darwin builds binaries for darwin func Darwin() { buildBins("darwin", "amd64") } // Build builds the binaries for route and routed. func Build() { buildBins(runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH) } // Plugin builds all of the plugins for programs wanting to augment themselves with route. func Plugin() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() goBuildPlugin(ctx, filepath.Join(wd, "./bin/linux"), "plugins/autohttpagent", "autohttpagent.so") } // Package builds all binaries for all platforms and assembles a package of // documentation, useful tools and all route components. func Package() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() os.RemoveAll("./bin/darwin") os.RemoveAll("./bin/linux") os.RemoveAll("./bin/windows") mg.Deps(Linux, Windows, Darwin) ver, err := gitTag() qod.ANE(err) for _, arch := range arches { for _, osname := range []string{"linux", "windows", "darwin"} { if arch != "amd64" && osname != "linux" { continue } dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "route-package-"+osname+"-"+arch) qod.ANE(err) qod.Printlnf("%s", dir) for _, file := range []string{"route-cli", "route-httpagent", "routed"} { if osname == "windows" { file = file + ".exe" } shouldWork(ctx, nil, filepath.Join(wd, "bin", osname, arch), "cp", "-rf", file, dir) } shouldWork(ctx, nil, wd, "cp", "-rf", "doc", dir) shouldWork(ctx, nil, wd, "cp", "-rf", "README.md", dir) shouldWork(ctx, nil, wd, "cp", "-rf", "LICENSE", dir) shouldWork(ctx, nil, wd, "cp", "-rf", "Gopkg.lock", dir) shouldWork(ctx, nil, dir, "tar", "czf", filepath.Join(wd, "bin", fmt.Sprintf("route-%s-%s-%s.tar.gz", ver, osname, arch)), ".") } } } // Version is the version as git reports. func Version() { ver, err := gitTag() qod.ANE(err) qod.Printlnf("route-%s", ver) } // Test runs all of the functional and unit tests for the project. func Test() { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() shouldWork(ctx, nil, wd, "go", "test", "-v", "./...") } // Tools installs all of the needed tools for the project. func Tools(ctx context.Context) { for _, t := range tools { shouldWork(ctx, nil, wd, "go", "get", "-v", "-u", t) } } // Generate runs code generators and the like. func Generate(ctx context.Context) { dir := filepath.Join(wd, "proto") shouldWork(ctx, nil, dir, "sh", "./regen.sh") } // Vars shows the various variables that this magefile uses. func Vars() { table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) table.SetHeader([]string{"key", "value"}) table.Append([]string{"arches", fmt.Sprint(arches)}) table.Append([]string{"bins", fmt.Sprint(bins)}) table.Append([]string{"goarch", runtime.GOARCH}) table.Append([]string{"goos", runtime.GOOS}) table.Append([]string{"gover", runtime.Version()}) table.Append([]string{"tools", fmt.Sprint(tools)}) table.Append([]string{"wd", wd}) table.Render() }