{ "version" : "2.0", "service" : "Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ that makes it easy to set up and operate message brokers in the cloud. A message broker allows software applications and components to communicate using various programming languages, operating systems, and formal messaging protocols.", "operations" : { "CreateBroker" : "Creates a broker. Note: This API is asynchronous.", "CreateConfiguration" : "Creates a new configuration for the specified configuration name. Amazon MQ uses the default configuration (the engine type and version). Note: If the configuration name already exists, Amazon MQ doesn't create a configuration.", "CreateUser" : "Creates an ActiveMQ user.", "DeleteBroker" : "Deletes a broker. Note: This API is asynchronous.", "DeleteUser" : "Deletes an ActiveMQ user.", "DescribeBroker" : "Returns information about the specified broker.", "DescribeConfiguration" : "Returns information about the specified configuration.", "DescribeConfigurationRevision" : "Returns the specified configuration revision for the specified configuration.", "DescribeUser" : "Returns information about an ActiveMQ user.", "ListBrokers" : "Returns a list of all brokers.", "ListConfigurationRevisions" : "Returns a list of all revisions for the specified configuration.", "ListConfigurations" : "Returns a list of all configurations.", "ListUsers" : "Returns a list of all ActiveMQ users.", "RebootBroker" : "Reboots a broker. Note: This API is asynchronous.", "UpdateBroker" : "Adds a pending configuration change to a broker.", "UpdateConfiguration" : "Updates the specified configuration.", "UpdateUser" : "Updates the information for an ActiveMQ user." }, "shapes" : { "BadRequestException" : { "base" : "Returns information about an error.", "refs" : { } }, "BrokerInstance" : { "base" : "Returns information about all brokers.", "refs" : { "ListOfBrokerInstance$member" : null } }, "BrokerState" : { "base" : "The status of the broker. Possible values: CREATION_IN_PROGRESS, CREATION_FAILED, DELETION_IN_PROGRESS, RUNNING, REBOOT_IN_PROGRESS", "refs" : { "BrokerSummary$BrokerState" : "The status of the broker. Possible values: CREATION_IN_PROGRESS, CREATION_FAILED, DELETION_IN_PROGRESS, RUNNING, REBOOT_IN_PROGRESS", "DescribeBrokerOutput$BrokerState" : "The status of the broker. Possible values: CREATION_IN_PROGRESS, CREATION_FAILED, DELETION_IN_PROGRESS, RUNNING, REBOOT_IN_PROGRESS" } }, "BrokerSummary" : { "base" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the broker.", "refs" : { "ListOfBrokerSummary$member" : null } }, "ChangeType" : { "base" : "The type of change pending for the ActiveMQ user. Possible values: CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE", "refs" : { "UserPendingChanges$PendingChange" : "Required. The type of change pending for the ActiveMQ user. Possible values: CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE", "UserSummary$PendingChange" : "The type of change pending for the ActiveMQ user. Possible values: CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE" } }, "Configuration" : { "base" : "Returns information about all configurations.", "refs" : { "ListOfConfiguration$member" : null } }, "ConfigurationId" : { "base" : "A list of information about the configuration.", "refs" : { "Configurations$Current" : "The current configuration of the broker.", "Configurations$Pending" : "The pending configuration of the broker.", "CreateBrokerInput$Configuration" : "A list of information about the configuration.", "ListOfConfigurationId$member" : null, "UpdateBrokerInput$Configuration" : "A list of information about the configuration.", "UpdateBrokerOutput$Configuration" : "The ID of the updated configuration." } }, "ConfigurationRevision" : { "base" : "Returns information about the specified configuration revision.", "refs" : { "Configuration$LatestRevision" : "Required. The latest revision of the configuration.", "CreateConfigurationOutput$LatestRevision" : "The latest revision of the configuration.", "ListOfConfigurationRevision$member" : null, "UpdateConfigurationOutput$LatestRevision" : "The latest revision of the configuration." } }, "Configurations" : { "base" : "Broker configuration information", "refs" : { "DescribeBrokerOutput$Configurations" : "The list of all revisions for the specified configuration." } }, "ConflictException" : { "base" : "Returns information about an error.", "refs" : { } }, "CreateBrokerInput" : { "base" : "Required. The time period during which Amazon MQ applies pending updates or patches to the broker.", "refs" : { } }, "CreateBrokerOutput" : { "base" : "Returns information about the created broker.", "refs" : { } }, "CreateConfigurationInput" : { "base" : "Creates a new configuration for the specified configuration name. Amazon MQ uses the default configuration (the engine type and version). Note: If the configuration name already exists, Amazon MQ doesn't create a configuration.", "refs" : { } }, "CreateConfigurationOutput" : { "base" : "Returns information about the created configuration.", "refs" : { } }, "CreateUserInput" : { "base" : "Creates a new ActiveMQ user.", "refs" : { } }, "DayOfWeek" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "WeeklyStartTime$DayOfWeek" : "Required. The day of the week. Possible values: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY" } }, "DeleteBrokerOutput" : { "base" : "Returns information about the deleted broker.", "refs" : { } }, "DeploymentMode" : { "base" : "The deployment mode of the broker. Possible values: SINGLE_INSTANCE, ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ SINGLE_INSTANCE creates a single-instance broker in a single Availability Zone. ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ creates an active/standby broker for high availability.", "refs" : { "BrokerSummary$DeploymentMode" : "Required. The deployment mode of the broker. Possible values: SINGLE_INSTANCE, ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ SINGLE_INSTANCE creates a single-instance broker in a single Availability Zone. ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ creates an active/standby broker for high availability.", "CreateBrokerInput$DeploymentMode" : "Required. The deployment mode of the broker. Possible values: SINGLE_INSTANCE, ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ SINGLE_INSTANCE creates a single-instance broker in a single Availability Zone. ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ creates an active/standby broker for high availability.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$DeploymentMode" : "Required. The deployment mode of the broker. Possible values: SINGLE_INSTANCE, ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ SINGLE_INSTANCE creates a single-instance broker in a single Availability Zone. ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ creates an active/standby broker for high availability." } }, "DescribeBrokerOutput" : { "base" : "The version of the broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only 5.15.0.", "refs" : { } }, "DescribeConfigurationRevisionOutput" : { "base" : "Returns the specified configuration revision for the specified configuration.", "refs" : { } }, "DescribeUserOutput" : { "base" : "Returns information about an ActiveMQ user.", "refs" : { } }, "EngineType" : { "base" : "The type of broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ActiveMQ.", "refs" : { "Configuration$EngineType" : "Required. The type of broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ACTIVEMQ.", "CreateBrokerInput$EngineType" : "Required. The type of broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ACTIVEMQ.", "CreateConfigurationInput$EngineType" : "Required. The type of broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ACTIVEMQ.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$EngineType" : "Required. The type of broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ACTIVEMQ." } }, "Error" : { "base" : "Returns information about an error.", "refs" : { } }, "ForbiddenException" : { "base" : "Returns information about an error.", "refs" : { } }, "InternalServerErrorException" : { "base" : "Returns information about an error.", "refs" : { } }, "ListBrokersOutput" : { "base" : "A list of information about all brokers.", "refs" : { } }, "ListConfigurationRevisionsOutput" : { "base" : "Returns a list of all revisions for the specified configuration.", "refs" : { } }, "ListConfigurationsOutput" : { "base" : "Returns a list of all configurations.", "refs" : { } }, "ListOfBrokerInstance" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "DescribeBrokerOutput$BrokerInstances" : "A list of information about allocated brokers." } }, "ListOfBrokerSummary" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "ListBrokersOutput$BrokerSummaries" : "A list of information about all brokers." } }, "ListOfConfiguration" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "ListConfigurationsOutput$Configurations" : "The list of all revisions for the specified configuration." } }, "ListOfConfigurationId" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "Configurations$History" : "The history of configurations applied to the broker." } }, "ListOfConfigurationRevision" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "ListConfigurationRevisionsOutput$Revisions" : "The list of all revisions for the specified configuration." } }, "ListOfSanitizationWarning" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "UpdateConfigurationOutput$Warnings" : "The list of the first 20 warnings about the configuration XML elements or attributes that were sanitized." } }, "ListOfUser" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "CreateBrokerInput$Users" : "Required. The list of ActiveMQ users (persons or applications) who can access queues and topics. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long." } }, "ListOfUserSummary" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "DescribeBrokerOutput$Users" : "The list of all ActiveMQ usernames for the specified broker.", "ListUsersOutput$Users" : "Required. The list of all ActiveMQ usernames for the specified broker." } }, "ListOf__string" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "BrokerInstance$Endpoints" : "The broker's wire-level protocol endpoints.", "CreateBrokerInput$SecurityGroups" : "Required. The list of rules (1 minimum, 125 maximum) that authorize connections to brokers.", "CreateBrokerInput$SubnetIds" : "Required. The list of groups (2 maximum) that define which subnets and IP ranges the broker can use from different Availability Zones. A SINGLE_INSTANCE deployment requires one subnet (for example, the default subnet). An ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ deployment requires two subnets.", "CreateUserInput$Groups" : "The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$SecurityGroups" : "Required. The list of rules (1 minimum, 125 maximum) that authorize connections to brokers.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$SubnetIds" : "The list of groups (2 maximum) that define which subnets and IP ranges the broker can use from different Availability Zones. A SINGLE_INSTANCE deployment requires one subnet (for example, the default subnet). An ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ deployment requires two subnets.", "DescribeUserOutput$Groups" : "The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.", "UpdateUserInput$Groups" : "The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.", "User$Groups" : "The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.", "UserPendingChanges$Groups" : "The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long." } }, "ListUsersOutput" : { "base" : "Returns a list of all ActiveMQ users.", "refs" : { } }, "NotFoundException" : { "base" : "Returns information about an error.", "refs" : { } }, "SanitizationWarning" : { "base" : "Returns information about the XML element or attribute that was sanitized in the configuration.", "refs" : { "ListOfSanitizationWarning$member" : null } }, "SanitizationWarningReason" : { "base" : "The reason for which the XML elements or attributes were sanitized. Possible values: DISALLOWED_ELEMENT_REMOVED, DISALLOWED_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVED, INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_REMOVED DISALLOWED_ELEMENT_REMOVED shows that the provided element isn't allowed and has been removed. DISALLOWED_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVED shows that the provided attribute isn't allowed and has been removed. INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_REMOVED shows that the provided value for the attribute isn't allowed and has been removed.", "refs" : { "SanitizationWarning$Reason" : "Required. The reason for which the XML elements or attributes were sanitized. Possible values: DISALLOWED_ELEMENT_REMOVED, DISALLOWED_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVED, INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_REMOVED DISALLOWED_ELEMENT_REMOVED shows that the provided element isn't allowed and has been removed. DISALLOWED_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVED shows that the provided attribute isn't allowed and has been removed. INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_REMOVED shows that the provided value for the attribute isn't allowed and has been removed." } }, "UnauthorizedException" : { "base" : "Returns information about an error.", "refs" : { } }, "UpdateBrokerInput" : { "base" : "Updates the broker using the specified properties.", "refs" : { } }, "UpdateBrokerOutput" : { "base" : "Returns information about the updated broker.", "refs" : { } }, "UpdateConfigurationInput" : { "base" : "Updates the specified configuration.", "refs" : { } }, "UpdateConfigurationOutput" : { "base" : "Returns information about the updated configuration.", "refs" : { } }, "UpdateUserInput" : { "base" : "Updates the information for an ActiveMQ user.", "refs" : { } }, "User" : { "base" : "An ActiveMQ user associated with the broker.", "refs" : { "ListOfUser$member" : null } }, "UserPendingChanges" : { "base" : "Returns information about the status of the changes pending for the ActiveMQ user.", "refs" : { "DescribeUserOutput$Pending" : "The status of the changes pending for the ActiveMQ user." } }, "UserSummary" : { "base" : "Returns a list of all ActiveMQ users.", "refs" : { "ListOfUserSummary$member" : null } }, "WeeklyStartTime" : { "base" : "The scheduled time period relative to UTC during which Amazon MQ begins to apply pending updates or patches to the broker.", "refs" : { "CreateBrokerInput$MaintenanceWindowStartTime" : "The parameters that determine the WeeklyStartTime.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$MaintenanceWindowStartTime" : "The parameters that determine the WeeklyStartTime." } }, "__boolean" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "CreateBrokerInput$AutoMinorVersionUpgrade" : "Required. Enables automatic upgrades to new minor versions for brokers, as Apache releases the versions. The automatic upgrades occur during the maintenance window of the broker or after a manual broker reboot.", "CreateBrokerInput$PubliclyAccessible" : "Required. Enables connections from applications outside of the VPC that hosts the broker's subnets.", "CreateUserInput$ConsoleAccess" : "Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$AutoMinorVersionUpgrade" : "Required. Enables automatic upgrades to new minor versions for brokers, as Apache releases the versions. The automatic upgrades occur during the maintenance window of the broker or after a manual broker reboot.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$PubliclyAccessible" : "Required. Enables connections from applications outside of the VPC that hosts the broker's subnets.", "DescribeUserOutput$ConsoleAccess" : "Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.", "UpdateUserInput$ConsoleAccess" : "Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.", "User$ConsoleAccess" : "Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.", "UserPendingChanges$ConsoleAccess" : "Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user." } }, "__integer" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "ConfigurationId$Revision" : "The Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the request.", "ConfigurationRevision$Revision" : "Required. The revision of the configuration.", "ListConfigurationRevisionsOutput$MaxResults" : "The maximum number of configuration revisions that can be returned per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.", "ListConfigurationsOutput$MaxResults" : "The maximum number of configurations that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.", "ListUsersOutput$MaxResults" : "Required. The maximum number of ActiveMQ users that can be returned per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100." } }, "__string" : { "base" : null, "refs" : { "BrokerInstance$ConsoleURL" : "The URL of the broker's ActiveMQ Web Console.", "BrokerSummary$BrokerArn" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the broker.", "BrokerSummary$BrokerId" : "The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.", "BrokerSummary$BrokerName" : "The name of the broker. This value must be unique in your AWS account, 1-50 characters long, must contain only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, and must not contain whitespaces, brackets, wildcard characters, or special characters.", "BrokerSummary$HostInstanceType" : "The broker's instance type. Possible values: mq.t2.micro, mq.m4.large", "Configuration$Arn" : "Required. The ARN of the configuration.", "Configuration$Description" : "Required. The description of the configuration.", "Configuration$EngineVersion" : "Required. The version of the broker engine.", "Configuration$Id" : "Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.", "Configuration$Name" : "Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.", "ConfigurationId$Id" : "Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.", "ConfigurationRevision$Description" : "The description of the configuration revision.", "CreateBrokerInput$BrokerName" : "Required. The name of the broker. This value must be unique in your AWS account, 1-50 characters long, must contain only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, and must not contain whitespaces, brackets, wildcard characters, or special characters.", "CreateBrokerInput$CreatorRequestId" : "The unique ID that the requester receives for the created broker. Amazon MQ passes your ID with the API action. Note: We recommend using a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for the creatorRequestId. You may omit the creatorRequestId if your application doesn't require idempotency.", "CreateBrokerInput$EngineVersion" : "Required. The version of the broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only 5.15.0.", "CreateBrokerInput$HostInstanceType" : "Required. The broker's instance type. Possible values: mq.t2.micro, mq.m4.large", "CreateBrokerOutput$BrokerArn" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the broker.", "CreateBrokerOutput$BrokerId" : "The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.", "CreateConfigurationInput$EngineVersion" : "Required. The version of the broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only 5.15.0.", "CreateConfigurationInput$Name" : "Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.", "CreateConfigurationOutput$Arn" : "Required. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.", "CreateConfigurationOutput$Id" : "Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.", "CreateConfigurationOutput$Name" : "Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.", "CreateUserInput$Password" : "Required. The password of the user. This value must be at least 12 characters long, must contain at least 4 unique characters, and must not contain commas.", "DeleteBrokerOutput$BrokerId" : "The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$BrokerArn" : "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the broker.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$BrokerId" : "The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$BrokerName" : "The name of the broker. This value must be unique in your AWS account, 1-50 characters long, must contain only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, and must not contain whitespaces, brackets, wildcard characters, or special characters.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$EngineVersion" : "The version of the broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only 5.15.0.", "DescribeBrokerOutput$HostInstanceType" : "The broker's instance type. Possible values: mq.t2.micro, mq.m4.large", "DescribeConfigurationRevisionOutput$ConfigurationId" : "Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.", "DescribeConfigurationRevisionOutput$Data" : "Required. The base64-encoded XML configuration.", "DescribeConfigurationRevisionOutput$Description" : "The description of the configuration.", "DescribeUserOutput$BrokerId" : "Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.", "DescribeUserOutput$Username" : "Required. The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.", "Error$ErrorAttribute" : "The error attribute.", "Error$Message" : "The error message.", "ListBrokersOutput$NextToken" : "The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.", "ListConfigurationRevisionsOutput$ConfigurationId" : "The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.", "ListConfigurationRevisionsOutput$NextToken" : "The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.", "ListConfigurationsOutput$NextToken" : "The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.", "ListOf__string$member" : null, "ListUsersOutput$BrokerId" : "Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.", "ListUsersOutput$NextToken" : "The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.", "SanitizationWarning$AttributeName" : "The name of the XML attribute that has been sanitized.", "SanitizationWarning$ElementName" : "The name of the XML element that has been sanitized.", "UpdateBrokerOutput$BrokerId" : "Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.", "UpdateConfigurationInput$Data" : "Required. The base64-encoded XML configuration.", "UpdateConfigurationInput$Description" : "The description of the configuration.", "UpdateConfigurationOutput$Arn" : "Required. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.", "UpdateConfigurationOutput$Id" : "Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.", "UpdateConfigurationOutput$Name" : "Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.", "UpdateUserInput$Password" : "The password of the user. This value must be at least 12 characters long, must contain at least 4 unique characters, and must not contain commas.", "User$Password" : "Required. The password of the ActiveMQ user. This value must be at least 12 characters long, must contain at least 4 unique characters, and must not contain commas.", "User$Username" : "Required. The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.", "UserSummary$Username" : "Required. The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.", "WeeklyStartTime$TimeOfDay" : "Required. The time, in 24-hour format.", "WeeklyStartTime$TimeZone" : "The time zone, UTC by default, in either the Country/City format, or the UTC offset format." } } } }