![A lock with a mint leaf](https://ipv.sx/mint/mint.svg) mint - A Minimal TLS 1.3 stack ============================== [![Build Status](https://circleci.com/gh/bifurcation/mint.svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/bifurcation/mint) This project is primarily a learning effort for me to understand the [TLS 1.3](http://tlswg.github.io/tls13-spec/) protocol. The goal is to arrive at a pretty complete implementation of TLS 1.3, with minimal, elegant code that demonstrates how things work. Testing is a priority to ensure correctness, but otherwise, the quality of the software engineering might not be at a level where it makes sense to integrate this with other libraries. Backward compatibility is not an objective. We borrow liberally from the [Go TLS library](https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/tls/), especially where TLS 1.3 aligns with earlier TLS versions. However, unnecessary parts will be ruthlessly cut off. ## Quickstart Installation is the same as for any other Go package: ``` go get github.com/bifurcation/mint ``` The API is pretty much the same as for the TLS module, with `Dial` and `Listen` methods wrapping the underlying socket APIs. ``` conn, err := mint.Dial("tcp", "localhost:4430", &mint.Config{...}) ... listener, err := mint.Listen("tcp", "localhost:4430", &mint.Config{...}) ``` Documentation is available on [godoc.org](https://godoc.org/github.com/bifurcation/mint) ## Interoperability testing The `mint-client` and `mint-server` executables are included to make it easy to do basic interoperability tests with other TLS 1.3 implementations. The steps for testing against NSS are as follows. ``` # Install mint go get github.com/bifurcation/mint # Environment for NSS (you'll probably want a new directory) NSS_ROOT= mkdir $NSS_ROOT cd $NSS_ROOT export USE_64=1 export ENABLE_TLS_1_3=1 export HOST=localhost export DOMSUF=localhost # Build NSS hg clone https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nss hg clone https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nspr cd nss make nss_build_all export PLATFORM=`cat $NSS_ROOT/dist/latest` export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$NSS_ROOT/dist/$PLATFORM/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$NSS_ROOT/dist/$PLATFORM/lib # Run NSS tests (this creates data for the server to use) cd tests/ssl_gtests ./ssl_gtests.sh # Test with client=mint server=NSS cd $NSS_ROOT ./dist/$PLATFORM/bin/selfserv -d tests_results/security/$HOST.1/ssl_gtests/ -n rsa -p 4430 # if you get `NSS_Init failed.`, check the path above, particularly around $HOST # ... go run $GOPATH/src/github.com/bifurcation/mint/bin/mint-client/main.go # Test with client=NSS server=mint go run $GOPATH/src/github.com/bifurcation/mint/bin/mint-server/main.go # ... cd $NSS_ROOT dist/$PLATFORM/bin/tstclnt -d tests_results/security/$HOST/ssl_gtests/ -V tls1.3:tls1.3 -h -p 4430 -o ```