# gluaenv Utility package for manipulating environment variables for [gopher-lua](https://github.com/yuin/gopher-lua) ## Installation ``` go get github.com/kohkimakimoto/gluaenv ``` ## API ### `env.set(key, value)` Same `os.setenv` ### `env.get(key)` Same `os.getenv` ### `env.loadfile(file)` Loads environment variables from a file. The file is as the following: ``` AAA=BBB CCC=DDD ``` If this function fails, it returns `nil`, plus a string describing the error. ## Usage ```go package main import ( "github.com/yuin/gopher-lua" "github.com/kohkimakimoto/gluaenv" ) func main() { L := lua.NewState() defer L.Close() L.PreloadModule("env", gluaenv.Loader) if err := L.DoString(` local env = require("env") -- set a environment variable env.set("HOGE_KEY", "HOGE_VALUE") -- get a environment variable local v = env.get("HOGE_KEY") -- load envrironment variables from a file. env.loadfile("path/to/.env") -- file example -- AAA=BBB -- CCC=DDD `); err != nil { panic(err) } } ``` ## Author Kohki Makimoto ## License MIT license.