package gluash import ( "bufio" "bytes" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "os/exec" "sync" "syscall" "" ) const luaShTypeName = "sh" type shellCommand struct { path string args []string command *exec.Cmd stdout io.ReadCloser stderr io.ReadCloser stdin io.ReadCloser waitCalled bool stdoutClosed bool stderrClosed bool } func newShellCommand(path string, args ...string) (*shellCommand, error) { cmd := &shellCommand{ path: path, } err := cmd.Command(path, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } return cmd, nil } func (s *shellCommand) Command(path string, args ...string) error { s.command = exec.Command(path, args...) stdout, err := s.command.StdoutPipe() if err != nil { return err } stderr, err := s.command.StderrPipe() if err != nil { return err } s.stdout = stdout s.stderr = stderr return nil } func (s *shellCommand) Start(wait bool) error { if !wait { return s.command.Start() } stderr := &bytes.Buffer{} stdout := &bytes.Buffer{} wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(2) go func() { io.Copy(stdout, s.stdout) wg.Done() }() go func() { io.Copy(stderr, s.stderr) wg.Done() }() err := s.command.Start() if err != nil { return err } if debug { fmt.Println("Waiting for process") } if err = s.command.Wait(); err != nil && !isExitError(err) { return err } wg.Wait() if abort { status, ok := s.command.ProcessState.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus) if ok && status.ExitStatus() != 0 { return fmt.Errorf( "exit -- status %v\nSTDOUT:\n%v\nSTDERR:\n%v}", status.ExitStatus(), stdout, stderr, ) } } s.stdout = ioutil.NopCloser(stdout) s.stderr = ioutil.NopCloser(stderr) return nil } func (s *shellCommand) UserData(L *lua.LState) *lua.LUserData { ud := L.NewUserData() ud.Value = s L.SetMetatable(ud, L.GetTypeMetatable(luaShTypeName)) return ud } func (s *shellCommand) CloseStdout() { //s.stdout.Close() s.stdoutClosed = true } func (s *shellCommand) CloseStderr() { //s.stderr.Close() s.stderrClosed = true } func (s *shellCommand) Close(std string) { switch std { case "stderr": s.CloseStderr() case "stdout": s.CloseStdout() default: log.Fatalf("unable to close stream: %v", std) } } func (s *shellCommand) IsClosed(std string) bool { switch std { case "stderr": return s.stderrClosed case "stdout": return s.stdoutClosed default: log.Fatalf("Unknown option: %v", std) } return false } // shIndex checks if it is a predefined method or if it should be interprited as // shell command. func shIndex(L *lua.LState) int { index := L.CheckString(2) switch index { case "cmd": L.Push(L.NewFunction(shPathCmd(L))) return 1 case "print": L.Push(L.NewFunction(shPrint)) return 1 case "ok": L.Push(L.NewFunction(shOk)) return 1 case "lines": L.Push(L.NewFunction(shLines)) return 1 case "success": L.Push(L.NewFunction(shSuccess)) return 1 case "exitcode": L.Push(L.NewFunction(shExitCode)) return 1 case "stdout", "stderr", "combinedOutput": L.Push(L.NewFunction(shOutput(index))) return 1 default: return shCmd(L) } } func shCmd(L *lua.LState) int { shellCmd := checkShellCmd(L) index := L.CheckString(2) cmd := &shellCommand{ path: index, stdin: shellCmd.stdout, } L.Push(cmd.UserData(L)) return 1 } func shPathCmd(L *lua.LState) lua.LGFunction { shellCmd := checkShellCmd(L) return func(L *lua.LState) int { path := L.CheckString(2) args := checkStrings(L, 3) cmd := &shellCommand{ path: path, } err := cmd.Command(path, args...) checkError(L, err) cmd.command.Stdin = shellCmd.stdout err = cmd.Start(true) checkError(L, err) L.Push(cmd.UserData(L)) return 1 } } // shCall executes the shell command and returns it self func shCall(L *lua.LState) int { ud := L.CheckUserData(1) args := checkStrings(L, 2) shellCmd := checkShellCmd(L) err := shellCmd.Command(shellCmd.path, args...) checkError(L, err) if shellCmd.stdin != nil { shellCmd.command.Stdin = shellCmd.stdin } err = shellCmd.Start(shouldWait) checkError(L, err) L.Push(ud) return 1 } func shOutput(std string) lua.LGFunction { return func(L *lua.LState) int { shellCmd := checkShellCmd(L) file := L.OptString(2, "") if shellCmd.waitCalled { L.RaiseError("Do not call `ok` or `success` before print") } stream := io.MultiReader(shellCmd.stdout, shellCmd.stderr) if std == "stderr" { stream = shellCmd.stderr } if std == "stdout" { stream = shellCmd.stdout } buf := new(bytes.Buffer) _, err := buf.ReadFrom(stream) if err != nil { L.RaiseError("Unable to read from `%v` several times", std) } if std == "stderr" || std == "stdout" { shellCmd.Close(std) } else { shellCmd.CloseStderr() shellCmd.CloseStdout() } if file != "" { err := ioutil.WriteFile(file, buf.Bytes(), 0644) checkError(L, err) } out := buf.String() L.Push(lua.LString(out)) return 1 } } func shOk(L *lua.LState) int { ud := L.CheckUserData(1) shellCmd := checkShellCmd(L) exitcode, err := wait(L, shellCmd) checkError(L, err) if exitcode != 0 { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) buf.ReadFrom(shellCmd.stdout) so := buf.String() buf.Reset() buf.ReadFrom(shellCmd.stderr) se := buf.String() L.RaiseError( "exit status %v\nSTDOUT:\n%v\nSTDERR:\n%v", exitcode, so, se, ) //L.RaiseError("exit status %v", exitcode) } L.Push(ud) return 1 } func shSuccess(L *lua.LState) int { shellCmd := checkShellCmd(L) errorCode, err := wait(L, shellCmd) checkError(L, err) L.Push(lua.LBool(errorCode == 0)) return 1 } func shExitCode(L *lua.LState) int { shellCmd := checkShellCmd(L) exitcode, err := wait(L, shellCmd) checkError(L, err) L.Push(lua.LNumber(exitcode)) return 1 } func shLines(L *lua.LState) int { shellCmd := checkShellCmd(L) std := L.OptString(2, "stdout") if !(std == "stdout" || std == "stderr") { L.RaiseError("lines: illigal file handle `%v`", std) } if shellCmd.IsClosed(std) { L.RaiseError("Unable to read from `%v` several times", std) } stream := shellCmd.stdout if std == "stderr" { stream = shellCmd.stderr } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stream) scanner.Split(bufio.ScanLines) iterator := func(L *lua.LState) int { if scanner.Scan() { L.Push(lua.LString(scanner.Text())) return 1 } shellCmd.Close(std) checkError(L, scanner.Err()) return 0 } L.Push(L.NewFunction(iterator)) return 1 } func shPrint(L *lua.LState) int { ud := L.CheckUserData(1) shellCmd := checkShellCmd(L) if shellCmd.stderrClosed || shellCmd.stdoutClosed { L.RaiseError("Unable to read from `%v` several times", "stdout/stderr") } if shellCmd.waitCalled { L.RaiseError("Do not call `ok` or `success` before print") } combo := io.MultiReader(shellCmd.stdout, shellCmd.stderr) _, err := io.Copy(os.Stdout, combo) //fmt.Println("A") checkError(L, err) //fmt.Println("B") _, err = wait(L, shellCmd) if err != nil && !isExitError(err) { L.RaiseError("Error while waiting for command to finish: %v", err) } shellCmd.CloseStderr() shellCmd.CloseStdout() L.Push(ud) return 1 } // check if it is a shellCmd userdata as the first parmeter func checkShellCmd(L *lua.LState) *shellCommand { ud := L.CheckUserData(1) shellCmd, ok := ud.Value.(*shellCommand) if !ok { L.Error(lua.LString("Expected the user data should be a shell command"), 0) return nil } return shellCmd } // converts all input parameters to strings from the n:th element func checkStrings(L *lua.LState, n int) []string { params := L.GetTop() if n > params { return []string{} } args := make([]string, 0, (params - n + 1)) for i := n; i <= params; i++ { p := L.Get(i) if p.Type() == lua.LTUserData { continue } L.CheckTypes(i, lua.LTString, lua.LTNumber) args = append(args, p.String()) } return args } func checkError(L *lua.LState, err error) { if err != nil { L.RaiseError("%v", err) } } func isExitError(err error) bool { _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError) return ok } func wait(L *lua.LState, shellCmd *shellCommand) (exitcode int, err error) { defer func() { if abort && (err != nil || exitcode != 0) { L.RaiseError("exit status %v, err: %v", exitcode, err) } }() if shellCmd.command.ProcessState == nil { stderr := &bytes.Buffer{} stdout := &bytes.Buffer{} wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(2) go func() { io.Copy(stdout, shellCmd.stdout) wg.Done() }() go func() { io.Copy(stderr, shellCmd.stderr) wg.Done() }() err := shellCmd.command.Wait() shellCmd.stdout = ioutil.NopCloser(stdout) shellCmd.stderr = ioutil.NopCloser(stderr) if err != nil && !isExitError(err) { return 0, err } } if shellCmd.command.ProcessState.Success() { return 0, nil } if status, ok := shellCmd.command.ProcessState.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok { return status.ExitStatus(), nil } err = fmt.Errorf("`%v`: error retreiving exit code", shellCmd.command.Args) return 0, err }