# Contributing # Thanks for helping make Twirp better! This is great! First, if you have run into a bug, please file an issue. We try to get back to issue reporters within a day or two. We might be able to help you right away. If you'd rather not publicly discuss the issue, please email spencer@twitch.tv and/or security@twitch.tv. Issues are also a good place to present experience reports or requests for new features. If you'd like to make changes to Twirp, read on: ## Setup Requirements ## You will need git, Go 1.9+, and Python 2.7 installed and on your system's path. Install them however you feel. We work on a branch called `develop`. We periodically release this branch as a new version, then accumulate more changes on the develop branch until the next release. Use `develop` as the base for your branches. ## Developer Loop ## Generally you want to make changes and run `make`, which will install all dependencies we know about, build the core, and run all of the tests that we have against all of the languages we support. Most tests of the Go server are in `internal/twirptest/service_test.go`. Tests of cross-language clients are in the [clientcompat](./clientcompat) directory. ## Contributing Code ## Twirp uses github pull requests. Fork a branch from `develop`, hack away at your changes, run the test suite with `make`, and submit a PR. ## Releasing Versions ## Releasing versions is the responsibility of the core maintainers. Most people don't need to know this stuff. Twirp uses [Semantic versioning](http://semver.org/): `v..`. * Increment major if you're making a backwards-incompatible change. * Increment minor if you're adding a feature that's backwards-compatible. * Increment patch if you're making a bugfix. To make a release, remember to update the version number in [internal/gen/version.go](./internal/gen/version.go). Twirp uses Github releases. To make a new release: 1. Merge all changes that should be included in the release into the master branch. 2. Add a new commit to master with a message like "Version vX.X.X release". 3. Tag the commit you just made: `git tag ` and `git push origin --tags` 3. Go to Github https://github.com/twitchtv/twirp/releases and "Draft a new release". 4. Make sure to document changes, specially when upgrade instructions are needed.