# eclier Pronounced like eclair The core of a command line application allowing for trivial user extension. Every command and subcommand is its own `.lua` file that is either shipped as part of the built-in cartridge of commands or a plugin that the user installs. The core contains the following: - A module loading system for preparing different commands for use - The core subcommand router ## How to write plugins Create a new file in the script home named after the plugin subcommand, for example: `scripts/hello.lua`: ```lua script.verb = "hello" script.help = "prints everyone's favorite hello world message" script.author = "Xe" -- put your github username here script.version = "1.0" script.usage = "" function(run) print "Hello, world!" end ``` And then run it using the example shell cli: ```console ~/go/src/github.com/Xe/eclier:master λ go run ./example/main.go hello Hello, world! ```