package quic import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "errors" "net" "reflect" "unsafe" "" "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("Client", func() { var ( cl *client config *Config sess *mockSession packetConn *mockPacketConn addr net.Addr versionNegotiateConnStateCalled bool ) BeforeEach(func() { Eventually(areSessionsRunning).Should(BeFalse()) versionNegotiateConnStateCalled = false packetConn = &mockPacketConn{} config = &Config{ ConnState: func(_ Session, state ConnState) { if state == ConnStateVersionNegotiated { versionNegotiateConnStateCalled = true } }, } addr = &net.UDPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 100, 200), Port: 1337} sess = &mockSession{connectionID: 0x1337} cl = &client{ config: config, connectionID: 0x1337, session: sess, version: protocol.Version36, conn: &conn{pconn: packetConn, currentAddr: addr}, } }) AfterEach(func() { if s, ok := cl.session.(*session); ok { s.Close(nil) } Eventually(areSessionsRunning).Should(BeFalse()) }) Context("Dialing", func() { It("creates a new client", func() { packetConn.dataToRead = []byte{0x0, 0x1, 0x0} var err error sess, err := Dial(packetConn, addr, "", config) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) Expect(*(*[]protocol.VersionNumber)(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(sess.(*session).cryptoSetup).Elem().FieldByName("negotiatedVersions").UnsafeAddr()))).To(BeNil()) Expect(*(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(sess.(*session).cryptoSetup).Elem().FieldByName("hostname").UnsafeAddr()))).To(Equal("")) sess.Close(nil) }) It("errors when receiving an invalid first packet from the server", func() { packetConn.dataToRead = []byte{0xff} sess, err := Dial(packetConn, addr, "", config) Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred()) Expect(sess).To(BeNil()) }) It("errors when receiving an error from the connection", func() { testErr := errors.New("connection error") packetConn.readErr = testErr _, err := Dial(packetConn, addr, "", config) Expect(err).To(MatchError(testErr)) }) // now we're only testing that Dial doesn't return directly after version negotiation PIt("doesn't return after version negotiation is established if no ConnState is defined", func() { // TODO(#506): Fix test packetConn.dataToRead = []byte{0x0, 0x1, 0x0} config.ConnState = nil var dialReturned bool go func() { defer GinkgoRecover() _, err := Dial(packetConn, addr, "", config) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) dialReturned = true }() Consistently(func() bool { return dialReturned }).Should(BeFalse()) }) It("only establishes a connection once it is forward-secure if no ConnState is defined", func() { config.ConnState = nil client := &client{conn: &conn{pconn: packetConn, currentAddr: addr}, config: config} client.connStateChangeOrErrCond.L = &client.mutex var returned bool go func() { defer GinkgoRecover() _, err := client.establishConnection() Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) returned = true }() Consistently(func() bool { return returned }).Should(BeFalse()) // switch to a secure connection client.cryptoChangeCallback(nil, false) Consistently(func() bool { return returned }).Should(BeFalse()) // switch to a forward-secure connection client.cryptoChangeCallback(nil, true) Eventually(func() bool { return returned }).Should(BeTrue()) }) }) It("errors on invalid public header", func() { err := cl.handlePacket(nil, nil) Expect(err.(*qerr.QuicError).ErrorCode).To(Equal(qerr.InvalidPacketHeader)) }) // this test requires a real session (because it calls the close callback) and a real UDP conn (because it unblocks and errors when it is closed) It("properly closes", func(done Done) { Eventually(areSessionsRunning).Should(BeFalse()) udpConn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", &net.UDPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1)}) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) cl.conn = &conn{pconn: udpConn} err = cl.createNewSession(nil) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) testErr := errors.New("test error") Eventually(areSessionsRunning).Should(BeTrue()) var stoppedListening bool go func() { cl.listen() stoppedListening = true }() err = cl.session.Close(testErr) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) Eventually(func() bool { return stoppedListening }).Should(BeTrue()) Eventually(areSessionsRunning).Should(BeFalse()) close(done) }, 10) It("creates new sessions with the right parameters", func() { cl.session = nil cl.hostname = "hostname" err := cl.createNewSession(nil) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) Expect(cl.session).ToNot(BeNil()) Expect(cl.session.(*session).connectionID).To(Equal(cl.connectionID)) Expect(cl.session.(*session).version).To(Equal(cl.version)) }) Context("handling packets", func() { It("handles packets", func() { ph := PublicHeader{ PacketNumber: 1, PacketNumberLen: protocol.PacketNumberLen2, ConnectionID: 0x1337, } b := &bytes.Buffer{} err := ph.Write(b, protocol.Version36, protocol.PerspectiveServer) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) packetConn.dataToRead = b.Bytes() Expect(sess.packetCount).To(BeZero()) var stoppedListening bool go func() { cl.listen() // it should continue listening when receiving valid packets stoppedListening = true }() Eventually(func() int { return sess.packetCount }).Should(Equal(1)) Expect(sess.closed).To(BeFalse()) Consistently(func() bool { return stoppedListening }).Should(BeFalse()) }) It("closes the session when encountering an error while handling a packet", func() { Expect(sess.closeReason).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) packetConn.dataToRead = bytes.Repeat([]byte{0xff}, 100) cl.listen() Expect(sess.closed).To(BeTrue()) Expect(sess.closeReason).To(HaveOccurred()) }) It("closes the session when encountering an error while reading from the connection", func() { testErr := errors.New("test error") packetConn.readErr = testErr cl.listen() Expect(sess.closed).To(BeTrue()) Expect(sess.closeReason).To(MatchError(testErr)) }) }) Context("version negotiation", func() { getVersionNegotiation := func(versions []protocol.VersionNumber) []byte { oldVersionNegotiationPacket := composeVersionNegotiation(0x1337) oldSupportVersionTags := protocol.SupportedVersionsAsTags var b bytes.Buffer for _, v := range versions { s := make([]byte, 4) binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(s, protocol.VersionNumberToTag(v)) b.Write(s) } protocol.SupportedVersionsAsTags = b.Bytes() packet := composeVersionNegotiation(cl.connectionID) protocol.SupportedVersionsAsTags = oldSupportVersionTags Expect(composeVersionNegotiation(0x1337)).To(Equal(oldVersionNegotiationPacket)) return packet } It("recognizes that a packet without VersionFlag means that the server accepted the suggested version", func() { ph := PublicHeader{ PacketNumber: 1, PacketNumberLen: protocol.PacketNumberLen2, ConnectionID: 0x1337, } b := &bytes.Buffer{} err := ph.Write(b, protocol.VersionWhatever, protocol.PerspectiveServer) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) err = cl.handlePacket(nil, b.Bytes()) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) Expect(cl.connState).To(Equal(ConnStateVersionNegotiated)) Eventually(func() bool { return versionNegotiateConnStateCalled }).Should(BeTrue()) }) It("changes the version after receiving a version negotiation packet", func() { newVersion := protocol.Version35 Expect(newVersion).ToNot(Equal(cl.version)) Expect(sess.packetCount).To(BeZero()) cl.connectionID = 0x1337 err := cl.handlePacket(nil, getVersionNegotiation([]protocol.VersionNumber{newVersion})) Expect(cl.version).To(Equal(newVersion)) Expect(cl.connState).To(Equal(ConnStateVersionNegotiated)) Eventually(func() bool { return versionNegotiateConnStateCalled }).Should(BeTrue()) // it swapped the sessions Expect(cl.session).ToNot(Equal(sess)) Expect(cl.connectionID).ToNot(Equal(0x1337)) // it generated a new connection ID Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) // it didn't pass the version negoation packet to the session (since it has no payload) Expect(sess.packetCount).To(BeZero()) Expect(*(*[]protocol.VersionNumber)(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(cl.session.(*session).cryptoSetup).Elem().FieldByName("negotiatedVersions").UnsafeAddr()))).To(Equal([]protocol.VersionNumber{35})) }) It("errors if no matching version is found", func() { err := cl.handlePacket(nil, getVersionNegotiation([]protocol.VersionNumber{1})) Expect(err).To(MatchError(qerr.InvalidVersion)) }) It("ignores delayed version negotiation packets", func() { // if the version was not yet negotiated, handlePacket would return a VersionNegotiationMismatch error, see above test cl.connState = ConnStateVersionNegotiated Expect(sess.packetCount).To(BeZero()) err := cl.handlePacket(nil, getVersionNegotiation([]protocol.VersionNumber{1})) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) Expect(cl.connState).To(Equal(ConnStateVersionNegotiated)) Expect(sess.packetCount).To(BeZero()) Consistently(func() bool { return versionNegotiateConnStateCalled }).Should(BeFalse()) }) It("errors if the server should have accepted the offered version", func() { err := cl.handlePacket(nil, getVersionNegotiation([]protocol.VersionNumber{cl.version})) Expect(err).To(MatchError(qerr.Error(qerr.InvalidVersionNegotiationPacket, "Server already supports client's version and should have accepted the connection."))) }) }) })