package gluassh import ( "" "" "errors" ) const LConnectionClass = "SSHConnectionClass*" type Connection struct { } // Loader is glua module loader. func Loader(L *lua.LState) int { // register ssh connection class registerConnectionClass(L) // load module tb := L.NewTable() L.SetFuncs(tb, map[string]lua.LGFunction{ "run": run, "get": get, "put": put, }) // set up meta table mt := L.NewTable() L.SetField(mt, "__call",L.NewFunction(call)) L.SetMetatable(tb, mt) L.Push(tb) return 1 } func registerConnectionClass(L *lua.LState) { mt := L.NewTypeMetatable(LConnectionClass) // methods L.SetField(mt, "__index", L.SetFuncs(L.NewTable(), map[string]lua.LGFunction{ // "run": connRun, // "get": connGet, // "put": connPut, })) } func call(L *lua.LState) int { // TODO: implements if L.GetTop() != 2 { L.RaiseError("calling ssh requires 1 argment that is a server config.") } // tb := L.Get(1) return 0 } func newConnection(L *lua.LState) int { connection := &Connection{} ud := L.NewUserData() ud.Value = connection L.SetMetatable(ud, L.GetTypeMetatable(LConnectionClass)) L.Push(ud) return 1 } // This is a Lua module function. // run execute command on a remote host via SSH. func run(L *lua.LState) int { // communicator comm, err := commFromLTable(L.CheckTable(1)) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer comm.Close() // option and command option := NewOption() cmd := "" if L.GetTop() == 4 { if err := gluamapper.Map(L.CheckTable(2), option); err != nil { panic(err) } cmds, err := toStrings(L.Get(3)) if err != nil { panic(err) } cmd = concatCommandLines(cmds) fn := L.CheckFunction(4) option.OutputFunc = fn } else if L.GetTop() == 3 { if err := gluamapper.Map(L.CheckTable(2), option); err != nil { panic(err) } cmds, err := toStrings(L.Get(3)) if err != nil { panic(err) } cmd = concatCommandLines(cmds) } else if L.GetTop() == 2 { cmds, err := toStrings(L.Get(2)) if err != nil { panic(err) } cmd = concatCommandLines(cmds) } else { L.RaiseError("run method requires 2 arugments at least.") } // run ret, err := comm.Run(cmd, option, L) if err != nil { L.RaiseError("ssh error: %s", err) } tb := updateLTableByRunResult(L.NewTable(), ret) L.Push(tb) return 1 } // This is a Lua module function. func get(L *lua.LState) int { // communicator comm, err := commFromLTable(L.CheckTable(1)) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer comm.Close() remote := L.ToString(2) local := L.ToString(3) err = comm.Get(remote, local) if err != nil { panic(err) } return 0 } // This is a Lua module function. func put(L *lua.LState) int { // communicator comm, err := commFromLTable(L.CheckTable(1)) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer comm.Close() local := L.ToString(2) remote := L.ToString(3) err = comm.Put(local, remote) if err != nil { panic(err) } return 0 } func commFromLTable(table *lua.LTable) (*Communicator, error) { // config cfg := NewConfig() // update config by passed table. if err := gluamapper.Map(table, cfg); err != nil { return nil, err } // communicator comm, err := NewComm(cfg) if err != nil { return nil, err } return comm, nil } func toStrings(v lua.LValue) ([]string, error) { var ret []string if lv, ok := v.(*lua.LTable); ok { lv.ForEach(func(tk lua.LValue, tv lua.LValue) { if ls, ok := tv.(lua.LString); ok { ret = append(ret, string(ls)) } }) } else { if ls, ok := v.(lua.LString); ok { ret = append(ret, string(ls)) } else { return ret, errors.New("Could not transfer lua value to string slice") } } return ret, nil } func concatCommandLines(cmdlines []string) string { cmdline := "" for i, v := range cmdlines { if i == 0 { cmdline = v } else { cmdline = cmdline + " && " + v } } return cmdline } func updateLTableByRunResult(tb *lua.LTable, ret *Result) *lua.LTable { if ret != nil { tb.RawSetString("out", lua.LString(ret.Out.String())) tb.RawSetString("err", lua.LString(ret.Err.String())) tb.RawSetString("status", lua.LNumber(ret.Status)) tb.RawSetString("successful", lua.LBool(ret.Successful())) tb.RawSetString("failed", lua.LBool(ret.Failed())) } else { tb.RawSetString("out", lua.LNil) tb.RawSetString("err", lua.LNil) tb.RawSetString("status", lua.LNil) tb.RawSetString("successful", lua.LBool(false)) tb.RawSetString("failed", lua.LBool(true)) } return tb }