package gorethink import ( "bufio" "crypto/hmac" "crypto/rand" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/base64" "encoding/binary" "encoding/json" "fmt" "hash" "io" "strconv" "strings" "" p "" ) type HandshakeVersion int const ( HandshakeV1_0 HandshakeVersion = iota HandshakeV0_4 ) type connectionHandshake interface { Send() error } func (c *Connection) handshake(version HandshakeVersion) (connectionHandshake, error) { switch version { case HandshakeV0_4: return &connectionHandshakeV0_4{conn: c}, nil case HandshakeV1_0: return &connectionHandshakeV1_0{conn: c}, nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognised handshake version") } } type connectionHandshakeV0_4 struct { conn *Connection } func (c *connectionHandshakeV0_4) Send() error { // Send handshake request if err := c.writeHandshakeReq(); err != nil { c.conn.Close() return RQLConnectionError{rqlError(err.Error())} } // Read handshake response if err := c.readHandshakeSuccess(); err != nil { c.conn.Close() return RQLConnectionError{rqlError(err.Error())} } return nil } func (c *connectionHandshakeV0_4) writeHandshakeReq() error { pos := 0 dataLen := 4 + 4 + len(c.conn.opts.AuthKey) + 4 data := make([]byte, dataLen) // Send the protocol version to the server as a 4-byte little-endian-encoded integer binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(data[pos:], uint32(p.VersionDummy_V0_4)) pos += 4 // Send the length of the auth key to the server as a 4-byte little-endian-encoded integer binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(data[pos:], uint32(len(c.conn.opts.AuthKey))) pos += 4 // Send the auth key as an ASCII string if len(c.conn.opts.AuthKey) > 0 { pos += copy(data[pos:], c.conn.opts.AuthKey) } // Send the protocol type as a 4-byte little-endian-encoded integer binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(data[pos:], uint32(p.VersionDummy_JSON)) pos += 4 return c.conn.writeData(data) } func (c *connectionHandshakeV0_4) readHandshakeSuccess() error { reader := bufio.NewReader(c.conn.Conn) line, err := reader.ReadBytes('\x00') if err != nil { if err == io.EOF { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected EOF: %s", string(line)) } return err } // convert to string and remove trailing NUL byte response := string(line[:len(line)-1]) if response != "SUCCESS" { response = strings.TrimSpace(response) // we failed authorization or something else terrible happened return RQLDriverError{rqlError(fmt.Sprintf("Server dropped connection with message: \"%s\"", response))} } return nil } const ( handshakeV1_0_protocolVersionNumber = 0 handshakeV1_0_authenticationMethod = "SCRAM-SHA-256" ) type connectionHandshakeV1_0 struct { conn *Connection reader *bufio.Reader authMsg string } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) Send() error { c.reader = bufio.NewReader(c.conn.Conn) // Generate client nonce clientNonce, err := c.generateNonce() if err != nil { c.conn.Close() return RQLDriverError{rqlError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate client nonce: %s", err))} } // Send client first message if err := c.writeFirstMessage(clientNonce); err != nil { c.conn.Close() return err } // Read status if err := c.checkServerVersions(); err != nil { c.conn.Close() return err } // Read server first message i, salt, serverNonce, err := c.readFirstMessage() if err != nil { c.conn.Close() return err } // Check server nonce if !strings.HasPrefix(serverNonce, clientNonce) { return RQLAuthError{RQLDriverError{rqlError("Invalid nonce from server")}} } // Generate proof saltedPass := c.saltPassword(i, salt) clientProof := c.calculateProof(saltedPass, clientNonce, serverNonce) serverSignature := c.serverSignature(saltedPass) // Send client final message if err := c.writeFinalMessage(serverNonce, clientProof); err != nil { c.conn.Close() return err } // Read server final message if err := c.readFinalMessage(serverSignature); err != nil { c.conn.Close() return err } return nil } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) writeFirstMessage(clientNonce string) error { // Default username to admin if not set username := "admin" if c.conn.opts.Username != "" { username = c.conn.opts.Username } c.authMsg = fmt.Sprintf("n=%s,r=%s", username, clientNonce) msg := fmt.Sprintf( `{"protocol_version": %d,"authentication": "n,,%s","authentication_method": "%s"}`, handshakeV1_0_protocolVersionNumber, c.authMsg, handshakeV1_0_authenticationMethod, ) pos := 0 dataLen := 4 + len(msg) + 1 data := make([]byte, dataLen) // Send the protocol version to the server as a 4-byte little-endian-encoded integer binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(data[pos:], uint32(p.VersionDummy_V1_0)) pos += 4 // Send the auth message as an ASCII string pos += copy(data[pos:], msg) // Add null terminating byte data[pos] = '\x00' return c.writeData(data) } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) checkServerVersions() error { b, err := c.readResponse() if err != nil { return err } // Read status type versionsResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` MinProtocolVersion int `json:"min_protocol_version"` MaxProtocolVersion int `json:"max_protocol_version"` ServerVersion string `json:"server_version"` ErrorCode int `json:"error_code"` Error string `json:"error"` } var rsp *versionsResponse statusStr := string(b) if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &rsp); err != nil { if strings.HasPrefix(statusStr, "ERROR: ") { statusStr = strings.TrimPrefix(statusStr, "ERROR: ") return RQLConnectionError{rqlError(statusStr)} } return RQLDriverError{rqlError(fmt.Sprintf("Error reading versions: %s", err))} } if !rsp.Success { return c.handshakeError(rsp.ErrorCode, rsp.Error) } if rsp.MinProtocolVersion > handshakeV1_0_protocolVersionNumber || rsp.MaxProtocolVersion < handshakeV1_0_protocolVersionNumber { return RQLDriverError{rqlError( fmt.Sprintf( "Unsupported protocol version %d, expected between %d and %d.", handshakeV1_0_protocolVersionNumber, rsp.MinProtocolVersion, rsp.MaxProtocolVersion, ), )} } return nil } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) readFirstMessage() (i int64, salt []byte, serverNonce string, err error) { b, err2 := c.readResponse() if err2 != nil { err = err2 return } // Read server message type firstMessageResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Authentication string `json:"authentication"` ErrorCode int `json:"error_code"` Error string `json:"error"` } var rsp *firstMessageResponse if err2 := json.Unmarshal(b, &rsp); err2 != nil { err = RQLDriverError{rqlError(fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing auth response: %s", err2))} return } if !rsp.Success { err = c.handshakeError(rsp.ErrorCode, rsp.Error) return } c.authMsg += "," c.authMsg += rsp.Authentication // Parse authentication field auth := map[string]string{} parts := strings.Split(rsp.Authentication, ",") for _, part := range parts { i := strings.Index(part, "=") if i != -1 { auth[part[:i]] = part[i+1:] } } // Extract return values if v, ok := auth["i"]; ok { i, err = strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64) if err != nil { return } } if v, ok := auth["s"]; ok { salt, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(v) if err != nil { return } } if v, ok := auth["r"]; ok { serverNonce = v } return } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) writeFinalMessage(serverNonce, clientProof string) error { authMsg := "c=biws,r=" authMsg += serverNonce authMsg += ",p=" authMsg += clientProof msg := fmt.Sprintf(`{"authentication": "%s"}`, authMsg) pos := 0 dataLen := len(msg) + 1 data := make([]byte, dataLen) // Send the auth message as an ASCII string pos += copy(data[pos:], msg) // Add null terminating byte data[pos] = '\x00' return c.writeData(data) } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) readFinalMessage(serverSignature string) error { b, err := c.readResponse() if err != nil { return err } // Read server message type finalMessageResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Authentication string `json:"authentication"` ErrorCode int `json:"error_code"` Error string `json:"error"` } var rsp *finalMessageResponse if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &rsp); err != nil { return RQLDriverError{rqlError(fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing auth response: %s", err))} } if !rsp.Success { return c.handshakeError(rsp.ErrorCode, rsp.Error) } // Parse authentication field auth := map[string]string{} parts := strings.Split(rsp.Authentication, ",") for _, part := range parts { i := strings.Index(part, "=") if i != -1 { auth[part[:i]] = part[i+1:] } } // Validate server response if serverSignature != auth["v"] { return RQLAuthError{RQLDriverError{rqlError("Invalid server signature")}} } return nil } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) writeData(data []byte) error { if err := c.conn.writeData(data); err != nil { return RQLConnectionError{rqlError(err.Error())} } return nil } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) readResponse() ([]byte, error) { line, err := c.reader.ReadBytes('\x00') if err != nil { if err == io.EOF { return nil, RQLConnectionError{rqlError(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected EOF: %s", string(line)))} } return nil, RQLConnectionError{rqlError(err.Error())} } // Strip null byte and return return line[:len(line)-1], nil } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) generateNonce() (string, error) { const nonceSize = 24 b := make([]byte, nonceSize) _, err := rand.Read(b) if err != nil { return "", err } return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b), nil } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) saltPassword(iter int64, salt []byte) []byte { pass := []byte(c.conn.opts.Password) return pbkdf2.Key(pass, salt, int(iter), sha256.Size, sha256.New) } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) calculateProof(saltedPass []byte, clientNonce, serverNonce string) string { // Generate proof c.authMsg += ",c=biws,r=" + serverNonce mac := hmac.New(c.hashFunc(), saltedPass) mac.Write([]byte("Client Key")) clientKey := mac.Sum(nil) hash := c.hashFunc()() hash.Write(clientKey) storedKey := hash.Sum(nil) mac = hmac.New(c.hashFunc(), storedKey) mac.Write([]byte(c.authMsg)) clientSignature := mac.Sum(nil) clientProof := make([]byte, len(clientKey)) for i, _ := range clientKey { clientProof[i] = clientKey[i] ^ clientSignature[i] } return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(clientProof) } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) serverSignature(saltedPass []byte) string { mac := hmac.New(c.hashFunc(), saltedPass) mac.Write([]byte("Server Key")) serverKey := mac.Sum(nil) mac = hmac.New(c.hashFunc(), serverKey) mac.Write([]byte(c.authMsg)) serverSignature := mac.Sum(nil) return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(serverSignature) } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) handshakeError(code int, message string) error { if code >= 10 || code <= 20 { return RQLAuthError{RQLDriverError{rqlError(message)}} } return RQLDriverError{rqlError(message)} } func (c *connectionHandshakeV1_0) hashFunc() func() hash.Hash { return sha256.New }