
1.8 KiB


Route is a load balancer that has backends connect to the load balancer instead of the load balancer connecting to backends. This model allows networks to be vastly simplified, no longer having to bring in consul or another consensus layer, no more configuration generation or rehashing nginx on each deploy.


Project Stability: Alpha (don't use this in production yet)

This project is a passion project, as such excuse the atypical setup for everything. If you have ideas on how to improve things, please open an issue, comment on existing issues or hit me up in a private message somewhere. I want route to be the easiest possible way to host services of all sizes.


Constraints I am putting on myself right now:

  • Use Go as much as possible and where it makes sense use other tools
  • Create solutions using experience from the "old way" of doing things to categorically eliminate problems
  • Make solutions as robust and fault-tolerant wherever possible as soon as possible
  • Don't waste resources if you don't have to
  • Always clean things up eventually
  • If you have to fail, fail loudly
  • Don't be too clever
  • It's ${CURRENT_YEAR}, only allow TLS connections except where absolutely required


Route uses mage for building it and its dependencies. For convenience, a copy of mage is vendored as ./cmd/mage/main.go. You can install this to your machine if you want.

$ go run ./cmd/mage/main.go tools
$ go run ./cmd/mage/main.go build


See quickstart docs.


Please contact me to get support with this project.


Throw me a ko-fi or contact me for other donations.