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// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import (
// A LocationHypothesis specifies the alternative hypothesis of a
// location test such as a t-test or a Mann-Whitney U-test. The
// default (zero) value is to test against the alternative hypothesis
// that they differ.
type LocationHypothesis int
//go:generate stringer -type LocationHypothesis
const (
// LocationLess specifies the alternative hypothesis that the
// location of the first sample is less than the second. This
// is a one-tailed test.
LocationLess LocationHypothesis = -1
// LocationDiffers specifies the alternative hypothesis that
// the locations of the two samples are not equal. This is a
// two-tailed test.
LocationDiffers LocationHypothesis = 0
// LocationGreater specifies the alternative hypothesis that
// the location of the first sample is greater than the
// second. This is a one-tailed test.
LocationGreater LocationHypothesis = 1
// A MannWhitneyUTestResult is the result of a Mann-Whitney U-test.
type MannWhitneyUTestResult struct {
// N1 and N2 are the sizes of the input samples.
N1, N2 int
// U is the value of the Mann-Whitney U statistic for this
// test, generalized by counting ties as 0.5.
// Given the Cartesian product of the two samples, this is the
// number of pairs in which the value from the first sample is
// greater than the value of the second, plus 0.5 times the
// number of pairs where the values from the two samples are
// equal. Hence, U is always an integer multiple of 0.5 (it is
// a whole integer if there are no ties) in the range [0, N1*N2].
// U statistics always come in pairs, depending on which
// sample is "first". The mirror U for the other sample can be
// calculated as N1*N2 - U.
// There are many equivalent statistics with slightly
// different definitions. The Wilcoxon (1945) W statistic
// (generalized for ties) is U + (N1(N1+1))/2. It is also
// common to use 2U to eliminate the half steps and Smid
// (1956) uses N1*N2 - 2U to additionally center the
// distribution.
U float64
// AltHypothesis specifies the alternative hypothesis tested
// by this test against the null hypothesis that there is no
// difference in the locations of the samples.
AltHypothesis LocationHypothesis
// P is the p-value of the Mann-Whitney test for the given
// null hypothesis.
P float64
// MannWhitneyExactLimit gives the largest sample size for which the
// exact U distribution will be used for the Mann-Whitney U-test.
// Using the exact distribution is necessary for small sample sizes
// because the distribution is highly irregular. However, computing
// the distribution for large sample sizes is both computationally
// expensive and unnecessary because it quickly approaches a normal
// approximation. Computing the distribution for two 50 value samples
// takes a few milliseconds on a 2014 laptop.
var MannWhitneyExactLimit = 50
// MannWhitneyTiesExactLimit gives the largest sample size for which
// the exact U distribution will be used for the Mann-Whitney U-test
// in the presence of ties.
// Computing this distribution is more expensive than computing the
// distribution without ties, so this is set lower. Computing this
// distribution for two 25 value samples takes about ten milliseconds
// on a 2014 laptop.
var MannWhitneyTiesExactLimit = 25
// MannWhitneyUTest performs a Mann-Whitney U-test [1,2] of the null
// hypothesis that two samples come from the same population against
// the alternative hypothesis that one sample tends to have larger or
// smaller values than the other.
// This is similar to a t-test, but unlike the t-test, the
// Mann-Whitney U-test is non-parametric (it does not assume a normal
// distribution). It has very slightly lower efficiency than the
// t-test on normal distributions.
// Computing the exact U distribution is expensive for large sample
// sizes, so this uses a normal approximation for sample sizes larger
// than MannWhitneyExactLimit if there are no ties or
// MannWhitneyTiesExactLimit if there are ties. This normal
// approximation uses both the tie correction and the continuity
// correction.
// This can fail with ErrSampleSize if either sample is empty or
// ErrSamplesEqual if all sample values are equal.
// This is also known as a Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test and is
// equivalent to the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, though the Wilcoxon
// rank-sum test differs in nomenclature.
// [1] Mann, Henry B.; Whitney, Donald R. (1947). "On a Test of
// Whether one of Two Random Variables is Stochastically Larger than
// the Other". Annals of Mathematical Statistics 18 (1): 5060.
// [2] Klotz, J. H. (1966). "The Wilcoxon, Ties, and the Computer".
// Journal of the American Statistical Association 61 (315): 772-787.
func MannWhitneyUTest(x1, x2 []float64, alt LocationHypothesis) (*MannWhitneyUTestResult, error) {
n1, n2 := len(x1), len(x2)
if n1 == 0 || n2 == 0 {
return nil, ErrSampleSize
// Compute the U statistic and tie vector T.
x1 = append([]float64(nil), x1...)
x2 = append([]float64(nil), x2...)
merged, labels := labeledMerge(x1, x2)
R1 := 0.0
T, hasTies := []int{}, false
for i := 0; i < len(merged); {
rank1, nx1, v1 := i+1, 0, merged[i]
// Consume samples that tie this sample (including itself).
for ; i < len(merged) && merged[i] == v1; i++ {
if labels[i] == 1 {
// Assign all tied samples the average rank of the
// samples, where merged[0] has rank 1.
if nx1 != 0 {
rank := float64(i+rank1) / 2
R1 += rank * float64(nx1)
T = append(T, i-rank1+1)
if i > rank1 {
hasTies = true
U1 := R1 - float64(n1*(n1+1))/2
// Compute the smaller of U1 and U2
U2 := float64(n1*n2) - U1
Usmall := math.Min(U1, U2)
var p float64
if !hasTies && n1 <= MannWhitneyExactLimit && n2 <= MannWhitneyExactLimit ||
hasTies && n1 <= MannWhitneyTiesExactLimit && n2 <= MannWhitneyTiesExactLimit {
// Use exact U distribution. U1 will be an integer.
if len(T) == 1 {
// All values are equal. Test is meaningless.
return nil, ErrSamplesEqual
dist := UDist{N1: n1, N2: n2, T: T}
switch alt {
case LocationDiffers:
if U1 == U2 {
// The distribution is symmetric about
// Usmall. Since the distribution is
// discrete, the CDF is discontinuous
// and if simply double CDF(Usmall),
// we'll double count the
// (non-infinitesimal) probability
// mass at Usmall. What we want is
// just the integral of the whole CDF,
// which is 1.
p = 1
} else {
p = dist.CDF(Usmall) * 2
case LocationLess:
p = dist.CDF(U1)
case LocationGreater:
p = 1 - dist.CDF(U1-1)
} else {
// Use normal approximation (with tie and continuity
// correction).
t := tieCorrection(T)
N := float64(n1 + n2)
μ_U := float64(n1*n2) / 2
σ_U := math.Sqrt(float64(n1*n2) * ((N + 1) - t/(N*(N-1))) / 12)
if σ_U == 0 {
return nil, ErrSamplesEqual
numer := U1 - μ_U
// Perform continuity correction.
switch alt {
case LocationDiffers:
numer -= mathx.Sign(numer) * 0.5
case LocationLess:
numer += 0.5
case LocationGreater:
numer -= 0.5
z := numer / σ_U
switch alt {
case LocationDiffers:
p = 2 * math.Min(StdNormal.CDF(z), 1-StdNormal.CDF(z))
case LocationLess:
p = StdNormal.CDF(z)
case LocationGreater:
p = 1 - StdNormal.CDF(z)
return &MannWhitneyUTestResult{N1: n1, N2: n2, U: U1,
AltHypothesis: alt, P: p}, nil
// labeledMerge merges sorted lists x1 and x2 into sorted list merged.
// labels[i] is 1 or 2 depending on whether merged[i] is a value from
// x1 or x2, respectively.
func labeledMerge(x1, x2 []float64) (merged []float64, labels []byte) {
merged = make([]float64, len(x1)+len(x2))
labels = make([]byte, len(x1)+len(x2))
i, j, o := 0, 0, 0
for i < len(x1) && j < len(x2) {
if x1[i] < x2[j] {
merged[o] = x1[i]
labels[o] = 1
} else {
merged[o] = x2[j]
labels[o] = 2
for ; i < len(x1); i++ {
merged[o] = x1[i]
labels[o] = 1
for ; j < len(x2); j++ {
merged[o] = x2[j]
labels[o] = 2
// tieCorrection computes the tie correction factor Σ_j (t_j³ - t_j)
// where t_j is the number of ties in the j'th rank.
func tieCorrection(ties []int) float64 {
t := 0
for _, tie := range ties {
t += tie*tie*tie - tie
return float64(t)