359 lines
14 KiB
359 lines
14 KiB
package mint
import (
_ "crypto/sha256"
var (
ecGroups = []NamedGroup{P256, P384, P521}
nonECGroups = []NamedGroup{FFDHE2048, FFDHE3072, FFDHE4096, FFDHE6144, FFDHE8192, X25519}
dhGroups = append(ecGroups, nonECGroups...)
shortKeyPubHex = "04e9f6076620ddf6a24e4398162057eccd3077892f046b412" +
"0ffcb9fa31cdfd385c8727b222f9a6091e442e48f32ba145" +
shortKeyPrivHex = "6f28e305a0975ead3b95c228082adcae852fca6af0c9385f670531657966cd6a"
// Test vectors from RFC 5869
hkdfSaltHex = "000102030405060708090a0b0c"
hkdfInputHex = "0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b"
hkdfInfoHex = "f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9"
hkdfExtractOutputHex = "077709362c2e32df0ddc3f0dc47bba6390b6c73bb50f9c3122ec844ad7c2b3e5"
hkdfExtractZeroOutputHex = "19ef24a32c717b167f33a91d6f648bdf96596776afdb6377ac434c1c293ccb04"
hkdfExpandOutputHex = "3cb25f25faacd57a90434f64d0362f2a2d2d0a90cf1a5a4c5db02d56ecc4c5bf34007208d5b887185865"
hkdfExpandLen = 42
hkdfLabel = "test"
hkdfHashHex = "f9a54250131c827542664bcad131b87c09cdd92f0d5f84db3680ee4c0c0f8ed6" // random
hkdfEncodedLabelHex = "002a" + "0a" + hex.EncodeToString([]byte("tls13 "+hkdfLabel)) + "20" + hkdfHashHex
hkdfExpandLabelOutputHex = "a7c2b665154333b14f01762409173a6941d9c4e2edbe380e1cdd3091cb56f4aff8aced829cca286be245"
type mockSigner struct{}
func (m mockSigner) Public() crypto.PublicKey {
return m
func (m mockSigner) Sign(io.Reader, []byte, crypto.SignerOpts) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
func TestNewKeyShare(t *testing.T) {
// Test success cases
for _, group := range ecGroups {
// priv is opaque, so there's nothing we can do to test besides use
pub, priv, err := newKeyShare(group)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to generate new key pair")
assertNotNil(t, priv, "Private key is nil")
assertEquals(t, len(pub), keyExchangeSizeFromNamedGroup(group))
crv := curveFromNamedGroup(group)
x, y := elliptic.Unmarshal(crv, pub)
assert(t, x != nil && y != nil, "Public key failed to unmarshal")
assert(t, crv.Params().IsOnCurve(x, y), "Public key not on curve")
for _, group := range nonECGroups {
priv, pub, err := newKeyShare(group)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to generate new key pair")
assertNotNil(t, priv, "Private key is nil")
assertEquals(t, len(pub), keyExchangeSizeFromNamedGroup(group))
// Test failure case for an elliptic curve key generation failure
originalPRNG := prng
prng = bytes.NewReader(nil)
_, _, err := newKeyShare(P256)
assertError(t, err, "Generated an EC key with no entropy")
prng = originalPRNG
// Test failure case for an finite field key generation failure
originalPRNG = prng
prng = bytes.NewReader(nil)
_, _, err = newKeyShare(FFDHE2048)
assertError(t, err, "Generated a FF key with no entropy")
prng = originalPRNG
// Test failure case for an X25519 key generation failure
originalPRNG = prng
prng = bytes.NewReader(nil)
_, _, err = newKeyShare(X25519)
assertError(t, err, "Generated an X25519 key with no entropy")
prng = originalPRNG
// Test failure case for an unknown group
_, _, err = newKeyShare(NamedGroup(0))
assertError(t, err, "Generated a key for an unsupported group")
func TestKeyAgreement(t *testing.T) {
shortKeyPub := unhex(shortKeyPubHex)
shortKeyPriv := unhex(shortKeyPrivHex)
// Test success cases
for _, group := range dhGroups {
pubA, privA, err := newKeyShare(group)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to generate new key pair (A)")
pubB, privB, err := newKeyShare(group)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to generate new key pair (B)")
x1, err1 := keyAgreement(group, pubA, privB)
x2, err2 := keyAgreement(group, pubB, privA)
assertNotError(t, err1, "Key agreement failed (Ab)")
assertNotError(t, err2, "Key agreement failed (aB)")
assertByteEquals(t, x1, x2)
// Test that a short elliptic curve point is properly padded
// shortKey* have been chosen to produce a point with an X coordinate that
// has a leading zero
curveSize := len(curveFromNamedGroup(P256).Params().P.Bytes())
x, err := keyAgreement(P256, shortKeyPub, shortKeyPriv)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to complete short key agreement")
assertEquals(t, len(x), curveSize)
// Test failure case for a too-short public key
_, err = keyAgreement(P256, shortKeyPub[:5], shortKeyPriv)
assertError(t, err, "Performed key agreement with a truncated public key")
// Test failure for a too-short ffdh public key
_, err = keyAgreement(FFDHE2048, shortKeyPub[:5], shortKeyPriv)
assertError(t, err, "Performed key agreement with a truncated public key")
// Test failure for a too-short X25519 public key
_, err = keyAgreement(X25519, shortKeyPub[:5], shortKeyPriv)
assertError(t, err, "Performed key agreement with a truncated public key")
// Test failure case for an unknown group
_, err = keyAgreement(NamedGroup(0), shortKeyPub, shortKeyPriv)
assertError(t, err, "Performed key agreement with an unsupported group")
func TestNewSigningKey(t *testing.T) {
// Test RSA success
privRSA, err := newSigningKey(RSA_PKCS1_SHA256)
assertNotError(t, err, "failed to generate RSA private key")
_, ok := privRSA.(*rsa.PrivateKey)
assert(t, ok, "New RSA key was not actually an RSA key")
// Test ECDSA success (P-256)
privECDSA, err := newSigningKey(ECDSA_P256_SHA256)
assertNotError(t, err, "failed to generate RSA private key")
_, ok = privECDSA.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey)
assert(t, ok, "New ECDSA key was not actually an ECDSA key")
pub := privECDSA.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey).Public().(*ecdsa.PublicKey)
assertEquals(t, P256, namedGroupFromECDSAKey(pub))
// Test ECDSA success (P-384)
privECDSA, err = newSigningKey(ECDSA_P384_SHA384)
assertNotError(t, err, "failed to generate RSA private key")
_, ok = privECDSA.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey)
assert(t, ok, "New ECDSA key was not actually an ECDSA key")
pub = privECDSA.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey).Public().(*ecdsa.PublicKey)
assertEquals(t, P384, namedGroupFromECDSAKey(pub))
// Test ECDSA success (P-521)
privECDSA, err = newSigningKey(ECDSA_P521_SHA512)
assertNotError(t, err, "failed to generate RSA private key")
_, ok = privECDSA.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey)
assert(t, ok, "New ECDSA key was not actually an ECDSA key")
pub = privECDSA.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey).Public().(*ecdsa.PublicKey)
assertEquals(t, P521, namedGroupFromECDSAKey(pub))
// Test unsupported algorithm
_, err = newSigningKey(Ed25519)
assertError(t, err, "Created a private key for an unsupported algorithm")
func TestSelfSigned(t *testing.T) {
priv, err := newSigningKey(ECDSA_P256_SHA256)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to create private key")
// Test success
alg := ECDSA_P256_SHA256
cert, err := newSelfSigned("example.com", alg, priv)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to sign certificate")
assert(t, len(cert.Raw) > 0, "Certificate had empty raw value")
assertEquals(t, cert.SignatureAlgorithm, x509AlgMap[alg])
// Test failure on unknown signature algorithm
alg = RSA_PSS_SHA256
_, err = newSelfSigned("example.com", alg, priv)
assertError(t, err, "Signed with an unsupported algorithm")
// Test failure on certificate signing failure (due to algorithm mismatch)
alg = RSA_PKCS1_SHA256
_, err = newSelfSigned("example.com", alg, priv)
assertError(t, err, "Signed with a mismatched algorithm")
func TestSignVerify(t *testing.T) {
data := []byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31}
privRSA, err := newSigningKey(RSA_PSS_SHA256)
assertNotError(t, err, "failed to generate RSA private key")
privECDSA, err := newSigningKey(ECDSA_P256_SHA256)
assertNotError(t, err, "failed to generate ECDSA private key")
// Test successful signing with PKCS#1 when it is allowed
originalAllowPKCS1 := allowPKCS1
allowPKCS1 = true
sigRSA, err := sign(RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, privRSA, data)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to generate RSA signature")
allowPKCS1 = originalAllowPKCS1
// Test successful signing with PKCS#1 when it is not allowed
// (i.e., when it gets morphed into PSS)
originalAllowPKCS1 = allowPKCS1
allowPKCS1 = false
sigRSAPSS, err := sign(RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, privRSA, data)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to generate RSA-PSS signature")
allowPKCS1 = originalAllowPKCS1
// Test successful signing with PSS
originalAllowPKCS1 = allowPKCS1
allowPKCS1 = false
sigRSAPSS, err = sign(RSA_PSS_SHA256, privRSA, data)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to generate RSA-PSS signature")
allowPKCS1 = originalAllowPKCS1
// Test successful signing with ECDSA
sigECDSA, err := sign(ECDSA_P256_SHA256, privECDSA, data)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to generate ECDSA signature")
// Test signature failure on use of SHA-1
_, err = sign(RSA_PKCS1_SHA1, privRSA, data)
assertError(t, err, "Allowed a SHA-1 signature")
// Test signature failure on use of an non-RSA key with an RSA alg
_, err = sign(RSA_PKCS1_SHA1, privECDSA, data)
assertError(t, err, "Allowed an RSA signature with a non-RSA key")
// Test signature failure on use of an non-ECDSA key with an ECDSA alg
_, err = sign(ECDSA_P256_SHA256, privRSA, data)
assertError(t, err, "Allowed a ECDSA signature with a non-ECDSA key")
// Test signature failure on use of an ECDSA key from the wrong curve
_, err = sign(ECDSA_P384_SHA384, privRSA, data)
assertError(t, err, "Allowed a ECDSA signature with key from the wrong curve")
// Test signature failure on use of an unsupported key type
_, err = sign(ECDSA_P384_SHA384, mockSigner{}, data)
assertError(t, err, "Allowed a ECDSA signature with key from the wrong curve")
// Test successful verification with PKCS#1 when it is allowed
originalAllowPKCS1 = allowPKCS1
allowPKCS1 = true
err = verify(RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, privRSA.Public(), data, sigRSA)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to verify a valid RSA-PKCS1 signature")
allowPKCS1 = originalAllowPKCS1
// Test successful verification with PKCS#1 transformed into PSS
originalAllowPKCS1 = allowPKCS1
allowPKCS1 = false
err = verify(RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, privRSA.Public(), data, sigRSAPSS)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to verify a valid RSA-PSS signature")
allowPKCS1 = originalAllowPKCS1
// Test successful verification with PSS
err = verify(RSA_PSS_SHA256, privRSA.Public(), data, sigRSAPSS)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to verify a valid ECDSA signature")
// Test successful verification with ECDSA
err = verify(ECDSA_P256_SHA256, privECDSA.Public(), data, sigECDSA)
assertNotError(t, err, "Failed to verify a valid ECDSA signature")
// Test that SHA-1 is forbidden
err = verify(RSA_PKCS1_SHA1, privECDSA.Public(), data, sigECDSA)
assertError(t, err, "Allowed verification of a SHA-1 signature")
// Test RSA verify failure on unsupported algorithm
err = verify(ECDSA_P256_SHA256, privRSA.Public(), data, sigRSA)
assertError(t, err, "Verified ECDSA with an RSA key")
// Test ECDSA verify failure on unsupported algorithm
err = verify(RSA_PSS_SHA256, privECDSA.Public(), data, sigECDSA)
assertError(t, err, "Verified ECDSA with a bad algorithm")
// Test ECDSA verify failure on unsupported curve
err = verify(ECDSA_P384_SHA384, privECDSA.Public(), data, sigECDSA)
assertError(t, err, "Verified ECDSA with a bad algorithm")
// Test ECDSA verify failure on ASN.1 unmarshal failure
err = verify(ECDSA_P256_SHA256, privECDSA.Public(), data, sigECDSA[:8])
assertError(t, err, "Verified ECDSA with a bad ASN.1")
// Test ECDSA verify failure on trailing data
err = verify(ECDSA_P256_SHA256, privECDSA.Public(), data, append(sigECDSA, data...))
assertError(t, err, "Verified ECDSA with a trailing ASN.1")
// Test ECDSA verify failure on zero / negative values
zeroSigIn := ecdsaSignature{big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0)}
zeroSig, err := asn1.Marshal(zeroSigIn)
err = verify(ECDSA_P256_SHA256, privECDSA.Public(), data, zeroSig)
assertError(t, err, "Verified ECDSA with zero signature")
// Test ECDSA verify failure on signature validation failure
sigECDSA[7] ^= 0xFF
err = verify(ECDSA_P256_SHA256, privECDSA.Public(), data, sigECDSA)
assertError(t, err, "Verified ECDSA with corrupted signature")
sigECDSA[7] ^= 0xFF
// Test verify failure on unknown public key type
err = verify(ECDSA_P256_SHA256, struct{}{}, data, sigECDSA)
assertError(t, err, "Verified with invalid public key type")
func TestHKDF(t *testing.T) {
hash := crypto.SHA256
hkdfInput := unhex(hkdfInputHex)
hkdfSalt := unhex(hkdfSaltHex)
hkdfInfo := unhex(hkdfInfoHex)
HkdfExtractOutput := unhex(hkdfExtractOutputHex)
HkdfExtractZeroOutput := unhex(hkdfExtractZeroOutputHex)
HkdfExpandOutput := unhex(hkdfExpandOutputHex)
hkdfHash := unhex(hkdfHashHex)
hkdfEncodedLabel := unhex(hkdfEncodedLabelHex)
HkdfExpandLabelOutput := unhex(hkdfExpandLabelOutputHex)
// Test HkdfExtract is correct with salt
out := HkdfExtract(hash, hkdfSalt, hkdfInput)
assertByteEquals(t, out, HkdfExtractOutput)
// Test HkdfExtract is correct without salt
out = HkdfExtract(hash, nil, hkdfInput)
assertByteEquals(t, out, HkdfExtractZeroOutput)
// Test HkdfExpand is correct
out = HkdfExpand(hash, HkdfExtractOutput, hkdfInfo, hkdfExpandLen)
assertByteEquals(t, out, HkdfExpandOutput)
// Test hkdfEncodeLabel is correct
out = hkdfEncodeLabel(hkdfLabel, hkdfHash, hkdfExpandLen)
assertByteEquals(t, out, hkdfEncodedLabel)
// This is pro-forma, just for the coverage
out = HkdfExpandLabel(hash, hkdfSalt, hkdfLabel, hkdfHash, hkdfExpandLen)
assertByteEquals(t, out, HkdfExpandLabelOutput)
func random(n int) []byte {
data := make([]byte, n)
return data