
98 lines
3.6 KiB

package handshake
// A Tag in the QUIC crypto
type Tag uint32
const (
// TagCHLO is a client hello
TagCHLO Tag = 'C' + 'H'<<8 + 'L'<<16 + 'O'<<24
// TagREJ is a server hello rejection
TagREJ Tag = 'R' + 'E'<<8 + 'J'<<16
// TagSCFG is a server config
TagSCFG Tag = 'S' + 'C'<<8 + 'F'<<16 + 'G'<<24
// TagPAD is padding
TagPAD Tag = 'P' + 'A'<<8 + 'D'<<16
// TagSNI is the server name indication
TagSNI Tag = 'S' + 'N'<<8 + 'I'<<16
// TagVER is the QUIC version
TagVER Tag = 'V' + 'E'<<8 + 'R'<<16
// TagCCS are the hashes of the common certificate sets
TagCCS Tag = 'C' + 'C'<<8 + 'S'<<16
// TagCCRT are the hashes of the cached certificates
TagCCRT Tag = 'C' + 'C'<<8 + 'R'<<16 + 'T'<<24
// TagMSPC is max streams per connection
TagMSPC Tag = 'M' + 'S'<<8 + 'P'<<16 + 'C'<<24
// TagMIDS is max incoming dyanamic streams
TagMIDS Tag = 'M' + 'I'<<8 + 'D'<<16 + 'S'<<24
// TagUAID is the user agent ID
TagUAID Tag = 'U' + 'A'<<8 + 'I'<<16 + 'D'<<24
// TagSVID is the server ID (unofficial tag by us :)
TagSVID Tag = 'S' + 'V'<<8 + 'I'<<16 + 'D'<<24
// TagTCID is truncation of the connection ID
TagTCID Tag = 'T' + 'C'<<8 + 'I'<<16 + 'D'<<24
// TagPDMD is the proof demand
TagPDMD Tag = 'P' + 'D'<<8 + 'M'<<16 + 'D'<<24
// TagSRBF is the socket receive buffer
TagSRBF Tag = 'S' + 'R'<<8 + 'B'<<16 + 'F'<<24
// TagICSL is the idle connection state lifetime
TagICSL Tag = 'I' + 'C'<<8 + 'S'<<16 + 'L'<<24
// TagNONP is the client proof nonce
TagNONP Tag = 'N' + 'O'<<8 + 'N'<<16 + 'P'<<24
// TagSCLS is the silently close timeout
TagSCLS Tag = 'S' + 'C'<<8 + 'L'<<16 + 'S'<<24
// TagCSCT is the signed cert timestamp (RFC6962) of leaf cert
TagCSCT Tag = 'C' + 'S'<<8 + 'C'<<16 + 'T'<<24
// TagCOPT are the connection options
TagCOPT Tag = 'C' + 'O'<<8 + 'P'<<16 + 'T'<<24
// TagCFCW is the initial session/connection flow control receive window
TagCFCW Tag = 'C' + 'F'<<8 + 'C'<<16 + 'W'<<24
// TagSFCW is the initial stream flow control receive window.
TagSFCW Tag = 'S' + 'F'<<8 + 'C'<<16 + 'W'<<24
// TagFHL2 forces head of line blocking.
// Chrome experiment (see
// unsupported by quic-go
TagFHL2 Tag = 'F' + 'H'<<8 + 'L'<<16 + '2'<<24
// TagNSTP is the no STOP_WAITING experiment
// currently unsupported by quic-go
TagNSTP Tag = 'N' + 'S'<<8 + 'T'<<16 + 'P'<<24
// TagSTK is the source-address token
TagSTK Tag = 'S' + 'T'<<8 + 'K'<<16
// TagSNO is the server nonce
TagSNO Tag = 'S' + 'N'<<8 + 'O'<<16
// TagPROF is the server proof
TagPROF Tag = 'P' + 'R'<<8 + 'O'<<16 + 'F'<<24
// TagNONC is the client nonce
TagNONC Tag = 'N' + 'O'<<8 + 'N'<<16 + 'C'<<24
// TagXLCT is the expected leaf certificate
TagXLCT Tag = 'X' + 'L'<<8 + 'C'<<16 + 'T'<<24
// TagSCID is the server config ID
TagSCID Tag = 'S' + 'C'<<8 + 'I'<<16 + 'D'<<24
// TagKEXS is the list of key exchange algos
TagKEXS Tag = 'K' + 'E'<<8 + 'X'<<16 + 'S'<<24
// TagAEAD is the list of AEAD algos
TagAEAD Tag = 'A' + 'E'<<8 + 'A'<<16 + 'D'<<24
// TagPUBS is the public value for the KEX
TagPUBS Tag = 'P' + 'U'<<8 + 'B'<<16 + 'S'<<24
// TagOBIT is the client orbit
TagOBIT Tag = 'O' + 'B'<<8 + 'I'<<16 + 'T'<<24
// TagEXPY is the server config expiry
TagEXPY Tag = 'E' + 'X'<<8 + 'P'<<16 + 'Y'<<24
// TagCERT is the CERT data
TagCERT Tag = 0xff545243
// TagSHLO is the server hello
TagSHLO Tag = 'S' + 'H'<<8 + 'L'<<16 + 'O'<<24
// TagPRST is the public reset tag
TagPRST Tag = 'P' + 'R'<<8 + 'S'<<16 + 'T'<<24
// TagRSEQ is the public reset rejected packet number
TagRSEQ Tag = 'R' + 'S'<<8 + 'E'<<16 + 'Q'<<24
// TagRNON is the public reset nonce
TagRNON Tag = 'R' + 'N'<<8 + 'O'<<16 + 'N'<<24