package luar import ( "reflect" "" ) func checkSlice(L *lua.LState, idx int) reflect.Value { ud := L.CheckUserData(idx) ref := reflect.ValueOf(ud.Value) if ref.Kind() != reflect.Slice { L.ArgError(idx, "expecting slice") } return ref } func sliceIndex(L *lua.LState) int { ref := checkSlice(L, 1) key := L.CheckAny(2) switch converted := key.(type) { case lua.LNumber: index := int(converted) if index < 1 || index > ref.Len() { L.ArgError(2, "index out of range") } L.Push(New(L, ref.Index(index-1).Interface())) case lua.LString: switch string(converted) { case "capacity": L.Push(L.NewFunction(sliceCapacity)) case "append": L.Push(L.NewFunction(sliceAppend)) default: return 0 } default: L.ArgError(2, "must be a number or string") } return 1 } func sliceNewIndex(L *lua.LState) int { ref := checkSlice(L, 1) index := L.CheckInt(2) value := L.CheckAny(3) if index < 1 || index > ref.Len() { L.ArgError(2, "index out of range") } ref.Index(index - 1).Set(lValueToReflect(value, ref.Type().Elem())) return 0 } func sliceLen(L *lua.LState) int { ref := checkSlice(L, 1) L.Push(lua.LNumber(ref.Len())) return 1 } func sliceEq(L *lua.LState) int { slice1 := checkSlice(L, 1) slice2 := checkSlice(L, 2) L.Push(lua.LBool(slice1 == slice2)) return 1 } // slice methods func sliceCapacity(L *lua.LState) int { ref := checkSlice(L, 1) L.Push(lua.LNumber(ref.Cap())) return 1 } func sliceAppend(L *lua.LState) int { ref := checkSlice(L, 1) hint := ref.Type().Elem() values := make([]reflect.Value, L.GetTop()-1) for i := 2; i <= L.GetTop(); i++ { value := lValueToReflect(L.Get(i), hint) if value.Type() != hint { L.ArgError(i, "invalid type") } values[i-2] = value } newSlice := reflect.Append(ref, values...) L.Push(New(L, newSlice.Interface())) return 1 }