local fs = require "lfs" local http = require "http" local json = require "json" local telegram = require "telegram" local yaml = require "yaml" function restore() local fin = io.open("var/data.json", "r") local data, err = json.decode(fin:read("*a")) if err ~= nil then print("cannot load data: " .. err) return end vars = data end function save() local fout = io.open("var/data.json", "w") local data = json.encode(vars) fout:write(data) fout:write("\n") fout:close() end function main() restore() if vars == nil then vars = {} end if vars.lastowotime == nil then vars.lastowotime = 0 end if vars.tolearnfrom == nil then vars.tolearnfrom = {} -- array of id's of people end while true do local update = tgupdates:receive() if update ~= nil and update.message ~= nil then local chatid = update.message.chat.ID local userid = tostring(update.message.from.ID) local text = update.message.text if string.find(string.lower(text), "notices") and math.random(100) % 15 == 0 then if vars.lastowotime + 600 < os.time() then local msg = telegram.newMessage(chatid, "owo what's this?") tg:send(msg) vars.lastowotime = os.time() end end end save() end end