Once you've set up your Shou server, it's time to add your first users. Open your `config.js` and set `public` to `false`. This will enable user login. When you start Shout in "private" mode it will load every user found in your `users/` folder. Here's some of the features users get: - Stay online on IRC even when you log out - Lets you chat from multiple devices simultaneously ## Add user To add a new user, run this command: ``` $ shout add ``` This will create a new user in your `users/` folder. _Note: By default, users are stored in the `~/.shout/users/` folder. You can change this location by using the `--home ` setting (see [Usage](/docs/getting_started/usage.html#--home))._ ## Edit user Open the `user.json` for the specified user: ``` $ shout edit ``` ## Remove user Simply run: ``` $ shout remove ``` ## List users This command will print a list of all your existing users: ``` $ shout list ``` # User configuration If you run `shout edit `, the `user.json` file will open. The user configuration is loaded upon server start. Here's an example of what a `user.json` file might look like: ``` { "user": "example", "password": "password", "log": false, "networks": [{ "name": "Freenode", "host": "irc.freenode.net", "port": 6697, "tls": true, "password": "serverpw", "nick": "john", "realname": "John Doe", "commands": [ "/msg NickServ identify password", "/msg ChanServ op #chan" ], "join": "#foo, #bar" }] } ```