Once you've installed Shou, go ahead and run: ``` $ shout --help ``` This will give you an overiew of the commands you can use. ## `start` _Start the Shou server._ Example: ``` $ shout start --port 80 --private ``` Options: - `-p, --port` - `-h, --host` - `--public` - `--private` ## `config` _Open the configuration file._ Example: ``` $ shout config ``` ## `list` _List all existing users._ Example: ``` $ shout list ``` ## `add []` _Add a new user._ Example: ``` $ shout add john ``` ## `remove ` _Remove an existing user._ Example: ``` $ shout remove john ``` ## `reset ` _Reset user password._ Example: ``` $ shout reset john ``` ## `edit ` _Edit user configuration file._ Example: ``` $ shout edit john ``` # Options ## `--home` _Set the home path. This is the location where Shou will look for the `config.js` and the `users/` folder._ Example: ``` $ shout --home /app add # add user to /app/users $ shout --home /app # start server with /app/config.js ``` ## `--help` _Output usage information._ Example: ``` $ shout --help ``` ## `--version` _Output the version number._ Example: ``` $ shout --version ```