This part of the documentation will focus on the configuration of your Shou server. Start by locating the `config.js` file in the Shout folder. To quickly open the config: ``` $ shout config ``` ## public This setting can be either `true` or `false`. Public servers require no authentication. This is the default mode. Set to `false` to enable user login. ## host Listen to connections only from this host. Default `` will allow connections from anyone. ## port The port to listen on. You can override this setting by starting Shout like this: `shout start --port 80` ## theme This setting should point to a stylesheet in your Shout folder. If you want to create your own theme, it's recommended that you add your own stylesheet to `shout/client/themes/`. ## home Use this setting to override the default `HOME` location. The home folder is where Shout will locate the `users/` and `cache/` folder. Leaving this field empty will default to `~/.shout/`. ## logs Change how the logs will be stored. Remember that logging has to be turned on per user, in their own `user.json`. - format - timezone ## defaults These are the placeholder values displayed in the __Connect__ form: - name - host - port - password - tls - nick - realname - join