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2015-02-02 22:07:50 +00:00
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<h1>Web Application Development with Beego</h1>
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Beego is a fantastic web application framework from the Go China community. It currently powers some of the biggest websites in China, and…
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<section name="49e0" class=" section--first section--last"><div class="section-divider layoutSingleColumn"><hr class="section-divider"></div><div class="section-content"><div class="section-inner layoutSingleColumn"><h2 name="f4cf" id="f4cf" class="graf--h2 graf--first">Web Application Development with Beego</h2><p name="8768" id="8768" class="graf--p">Beego is a fantastic web application framework from the Go China community. It currently powers some of the biggest websites in China, and thus the world.</p><p name="b4f1" id="b4f1" class="graf--p">Lets get started. For now I am going to assume you are running OSX or Linux. Getting Beego set up on Windows with the sqlite driver is nontrivial at best due to Windows being terrible.</p><h3 name="589c" id="589c" class="graf--h3">Installing Beego</h3><p name="115e" id="115e" class="graf--p">The Beego developers have made a tool called bee for easier managing of Beego projects. To install it, run:</p><p name="4400" id="4400" class="graf--p">go get<br>go get</p><p name="0980" id="0980" class="graf--p">The `bee` tool will be present in $GOPATH/bin. Please make sure this folder is in your $PATH or things will not work.</p><h3 name="e6d2" id="e6d2" class="graf--h3">Creating a Project</h3><p name="b637" id="b637" class="graf--p">Navigate to a directory in your $GOPATH and run the command `bee new quickstart`:</p><figure name="bdc7" id="bdc7" class="graf--figure"><div class="aspectRatioPlaceholder is-locked" style="max-width: 602px; max-height: 488px;"><div class="aspect-ratio-fill" style="padding-bottom: 81.10000000000001%;"></div><img class="graf-image" data-image-id="1*ATTbb_23WVmxgoFweXSXQg.png" data-width="602" data-height="488" src="*ATTbb_23WVmxgoFweXSXQg.png"></div></figure><p name="3cc4" id="3cc4" class="graf--p">The `bee` tool created all the scaffolding we needed for our example program. Change into that directory and run `bee run`. Your application will be served on port 8080.</p><figure name="fdf0" id="fdf0" class="graf--figure"><div class="aspectRatioPlaceholder is-locked" style="max-width: 700px; max-height: 559px;"><div class="aspect-ratio-fill" style="padding-bottom: 79.9%;"></div><img class="graf-image" data-image-id="1*DG8Tl71KXYdiddV1x6m0GQ.png" data-width="1107" data-height="884" data-action="zoom" data-action-value="1*DG8Tl71KXYdiddV1x6m0GQ.png" src="*DG8Tl71KXYdiddV1x6m0GQ.png"></div></figure><p name="d938" id="d938" class="graf--p">Now lets take a look at the parts of Beego that are in use. Beego is a typical MVC style framework so there are 3 basic places you may need to edit code:</p><p name="9e76" id="9e76" class="graf--p">The Models are Beegos powerful database-backed models (well get into those in a little bit), the Views are normal Go <a href="/r/?" data-href="/r/?" class="markup--anchor markup--p-anchor">html/template</a>s, and the Controllers are the Go code that controls the Views based on the Models.</p><figure name="e163" id="e163" class="graf--figure postField--insetLeftImage"><div class="aspectRatioPlaceholder is-locked" style="max-width: 350px; max-height: 173px;"><div class="aspect-ratio-fill" style="padding-bottom: 49.4%;"></div><img class="graf-image" data-image-id="1*EZ1qIqeXNW_NfKuLbudogA.png" data-width="417" data-height="206" data-action="zoom" data-action-value="1*EZ1qIqeXNW_NfKuLbudogA.png" src="*EZ1qIqeXNW_NfKuLbudogA.png"></div></figure><p name="4d04" id="4d04" class="graf--p">New Beego projects use Beegos default HTTP router, which is similar to Sinatra or Tornado. The default router is very simple. It will only route `/` to the MainController that was generated for you:</p><figure name="b213" id="b213" class="graf--figure"><div class="aspectRatioPlaceholder is-locked" style="max-width: 385px; max-height: 278px;"><div class="aspect-ratio-fill" style
<footer><p>Exported from <a href="">Medium</a> on February 1, 2015.</p><p><a href="">View the original</a></p></footer></article>