// bub.c.inc // NOTE: These first set of functions spawn a school of bub depending on objF4's // value. The later action functions seem to check Y distance to Mario and proceed // to do nothing, which indicates this behavior set is incomplete. // TODO: Rename these. These have nothing to do with birds. void ActionBirdChirpChirp0(void) { s32 i; s32 sp18 = o->oBirdChirpChirpUnkF4; if (o->oDistanceToMario < 1500.0f) { for (i = 0; i < sp18; i++) spawn_object(o, MODEL_BUB, bhvBub); o->oAction = 1; } } void ActionBirdChirpChirp1(void) { if (gMarioObject->oPosY - o->oPosY > 2000.0f) o->oAction = 2; } void ActionBirdChirpChirp2(void) { o->oAction = 3; } void ActionBirdChirpChirp3(void) { o->oAction = 0; } void (*sBirdChirpChirpActions[])(void) = { ActionBirdChirpChirp0, ActionBirdChirpChirp1, ActionBirdChirpChirp2, ActionBirdChirpChirp3 }; void bhv_bird_chirp_chirp_loop(void) { obj_call_action_function(sBirdChirpChirpActions); } void func_802C0240(s32 a0) { f32 sp1C = o->parentObj->oPosY; if (sp1C - 100.0f - o->oCheepCheepUnk104 < o->oPosY && o->oPosY < sp1C + 1000.0f + o->oCheepCheepUnk104) o->oPosY = approach_f32_symmetric(o->oPosY, o->oCheepCheepUnkF8, a0); else { } } void ActionCheepCheep0(void) { o->oCheepCheepUnkFC = RandomFloat() * 100.0f; o->oCheepCheepUnk104 = RandomFloat() * 300.0f; o->oAction = 1; } void ActionCheepCheep1(void) { f32 dy; if (o->oTimer == 0) { o->oForwardVel = RandomFloat() * 2 + 2; o->oCheepCheepUnk108 = RandomFloat(); } dy = o->oPosY - gMarioObject->oPosY; if (o->oPosY < o->oCheepCheepUnkF4 - 50.0f) { if (dy < 0.0f) dy = 0.0f - dy; if (dy < 500.0f) func_802C0240(1); else func_802C0240(4); } else { o->oPosY = o->oCheepCheepUnkF4 - 50.0f; if (dy > 300.0f) o->oPosY = o->oPosY - 1.0f; } if (800.0f < obj_lateral_dist_from_mario_to_home()) o->oAngleToMario = obj_angle_to_home(); obj_rotate_yaw_toward(o->oAngleToMario, 0x100); if (o->oDistanceToMario < 200.0f) if (o->oCheepCheepUnk108 < 0.5) o->oAction = 2; if (o->oInteractStatus & INT_STATUS_INTERACTED) o->oAction = 2; } void ActionCheepCheep2(void) { f32 dy; if (o->oTimer < 20) { if (o->oInteractStatus & INT_STATUS_INTERACTED) spawn_object(o, MODEL_WHITE_PARTICLE_SMALL, bhvSmallParticleSnow); } else o->oInteractStatus = 0; if (o->oTimer == 0) PlaySound2(SOUND_GENERAL_MOVING_WATER); if (o->oForwardVel == 0.0f) o->oForwardVel = 6.0f; dy = o->oPosY - gMarioObject->oPosY; if (o->oPosY < o->oCheepCheepUnkF4 - 50.0f) { if (dy < 0.0f) dy = 0.0f - dy; if (dy < 500.0f) func_802C0240(2); else func_802C0240(4); } else { o->oPosY = o->oCheepCheepUnkF4 - 50.0f; if (dy > 300.0f) o->oPosY -= 1.0f; } if (obj_lateral_dist_from_mario_to_home() > 800.0f) o->oAngleToMario = obj_angle_to_home(); obj_rotate_yaw_toward(o->oAngleToMario + 0x8000, 0x400); if (o->oTimer > 200 && o->oDistanceToMario > 600.0f) o->oAction = 1; } void (*sCheepCheepActions[])(void) = { ActionCheepCheep0, ActionCheepCheep1, ActionCheepCheep2 }; void bhv_cheep_cheep_loop(void) { o->oCheepCheepUnkF4 = find_water_level(o->oPosX, o->oPosZ); o->oCheepCheepUnkF8 = gMarioObject->oPosY + o->oCheepCheepUnkFC; o->oWallHitboxRadius = 30.0f; obj_update_floor_and_walls(); obj_call_action_function(sCheepCheepActions); obj_move_using_fvel_and_gravity(); if (o->parentObj->oAction == 2) mark_object_for_deletion(o); }