#include #include "sm64.h" #include "game.h" #include "main.h" #include "engine/math_util.h" #include "area.h" #include "level_update.h" #include "save_file.h" #include "sound_init.h" #include "level_table.h" #define MENU_DATA_MAGIC 0x4849 #define SAVE_FILE_MAGIC 0x4441 STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(struct SaveBuffer) == EEPROM_SIZE, "eeprom buffer size must match"); extern struct SaveBuffer gSaveBuffer; struct WarpCheckpoint gWarpCheckpoint; s8 gMainMenuDataModified; s8 gSaveFileModified; u8 gLastCompletedCourseNum = 0; u8 gLastCompletedStarNum = 0; s8 sUnusedGotGlobalCoinHiScore = 0; u8 gGotFileCoinHiScore = 0; u8 gCurrCourseStarFlags = 0; u8 gSpecialTripleJump = 0; #define STUB_LEVEL(_0, _1, courseenum, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8) courseenum, #define DEFINE_LEVEL(_0, _1, courseenum, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10) courseenum, s8 gLevelToCourseNumTable[] = { #include "levels/level_defines.h" }; #undef STUB_LEVEL #undef DEFINE_LEVEL STATIC_ASSERT(ARRAY_COUNT(gLevelToCourseNumTable) == LEVEL_COUNT - 1, "change this array if you are adding levels"); // This was probably used to set progress to 100% for debugging, but // it was removed from the release ROM. static void no_op(void) { UNUSED s32 pad; } /** * Read from EEPROM to a given address. * The EEPROM address is computed using the offset of the destination address from gSaveBuffer. * Try at most 4 times, and return 0 on success. On failure, return the status returned from * osEepromLongRead. It also returns 0 if EEPROM isn't loaded correctly in the system. */ static s32 read_eeprom_data(void *buffer, s32 size) { s32 status = 0; if (gEepromProbe != 0) { s32 triesLeft = 4; u32 offset = (u32)((u8 *) buffer - (u8 *) &gSaveBuffer) / 8; do { triesLeft--; status = osEepromLongRead(&gSIEventMesgQueue, offset, buffer, size); } while (triesLeft > 0 && status != 0); } return status; } /** * Write data to EEPROM. * The EEPROM address is computed using the offset of the source address from gSaveBuffer. * Try at most 4 times, and return 0 on success. On failure, return the status returned from * osEepromLongWrite. Unlike read_eeprom_data, return 1 if EEPROM isn't loaded. */ static s32 write_eeprom_data(void *buffer, s32 size) { s32 status = 1; if (gEepromProbe != 0) { s32 triesLeft = 4; u32 offset = (u32)((u8 *) buffer - (u8 *) &gSaveBuffer) >> 3; do { triesLeft--; status = osEepromLongWrite(&gSIEventMesgQueue, offset, buffer, size); } while (triesLeft > 0 && status != 0); } return status; } /** * Sum the bytes in data to data + size - 2. The last two bytes are ignored * because that is where the checksum is stored. */ static s32 calc_checksum(u8 *data, s32 size) { u16 chksum = 0; while (size-- > 2) { chksum += *data++; } return chksum; } /** * Verify the signature at the end of the block to check if the data is valid. */ static s32 verify_save_block_signature(void *buffer, s32 size, u16 magic) { struct SaveBlockSignature *sig = (struct SaveBlockSignature *) ((size - 4) + (u8 *) buffer); if (sig->magic != magic) { return FALSE; } if (sig->chksum != calc_checksum(buffer, size)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Write a signature at the end of the block to make sure the data is valid */ static void add_save_block_signature(void *buffer, s32 size, u16 magic) { struct SaveBlockSignature *sig = (struct SaveBlockSignature *) ((size - 4) + (u8 *) buffer); sig->magic = magic; sig->chksum = calc_checksum(buffer, size); } /** * Copy main menu data from one backup slot to the other slot. */ static void restore_main_menu_data(s32 srcSlot) { s32 destSlot = srcSlot ^ 1; // Compute checksum on source data add_save_block_signature(&gSaveBuffer.menuData[srcSlot], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.menuData[srcSlot]), MENU_DATA_MAGIC); // Copy source data to destination bcopy(&gSaveBuffer.menuData[srcSlot], &gSaveBuffer.menuData[destSlot], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.menuData[destSlot])); // Write destination data to EEPROM write_eeprom_data(&gSaveBuffer.menuData[destSlot], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.menuData[destSlot])); } static void save_main_menu_data(void) { if (gMainMenuDataModified) { // Compute checksum add_save_block_signature(&gSaveBuffer.menuData[0], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.menuData[0]), MENU_DATA_MAGIC); // Back up data bcopy(&gSaveBuffer.menuData[0], &gSaveBuffer.menuData[1], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.menuData[1])); // Write to EEPROM write_eeprom_data(gSaveBuffer.menuData, sizeof(gSaveBuffer.menuData)); gMainMenuDataModified = FALSE; } } static void wipe_main_menu_data(void) { bzero(&gSaveBuffer.menuData[0], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.menuData[0])); // Set score ages for all courses to 3, 2, 1, and 0, respectively. gSaveBuffer.menuData[0].coinScoreAges[0] = 0x3FFFFFFF; gSaveBuffer.menuData[0].coinScoreAges[1] = 0x2AAAAAAA; gSaveBuffer.menuData[0].coinScoreAges[2] = 0x15555555; gMainMenuDataModified = TRUE; save_main_menu_data(); } static s32 get_coin_score_age(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex) { return (gSaveBuffer.menuData[0].coinScoreAges[fileIndex] >> (2 * courseIndex)) & 0x3; } static void set_coin_score_age(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex, s32 age) { s32 mask = 0x3 << (2 * courseIndex); gSaveBuffer.menuData[0].coinScoreAges[fileIndex] &= ~mask; gSaveBuffer.menuData[0].coinScoreAges[fileIndex] |= age << (2 * courseIndex); } /** * Mark a coin score for a save file as the newest out of all save files. */ static void touch_coin_score_age(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex) { s32 i; u32 age; u32 currentAge = get_coin_score_age(fileIndex, courseIndex); if (currentAge != 0) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_SAVE_FILES; i++) { age = get_coin_score_age(i, courseIndex); if (age < currentAge) { set_coin_score_age(i, courseIndex, age + 1); } } set_coin_score_age(fileIndex, courseIndex, 0); gMainMenuDataModified = TRUE; } } /** * Mark all coin scores for a save file as new. */ static void touch_high_score_ages(s32 fileIndex) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { touch_coin_score_age(fileIndex, i); } } /** * Copy save file data from one backup slot to the other slot. */ static void restore_save_file_data(s32 fileIndex, s32 srcSlot) { s32 destSlot = srcSlot ^ 1; // Compute checksum on source data add_save_block_signature(&gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][srcSlot], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][srcSlot]), SAVE_FILE_MAGIC); // Copy source data to destination slot bcopy(&gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][srcSlot], &gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][destSlot], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][destSlot])); // Write destination data to EEPROM write_eeprom_data(&gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][destSlot], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][destSlot])); } void save_file_do_save(s32 fileIndex) { if (gSaveFileModified) { // Compute checksum add_save_block_signature(&gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0]), SAVE_FILE_MAGIC); // Copy to backup slot bcopy(&gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0], &gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][1], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][1])); // Write to EEPROM write_eeprom_data(gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex])); gSaveFileModified = FALSE; } save_main_menu_data(); } void save_file_erase(s32 fileIndex) { touch_high_score_ages(fileIndex); bzero(&gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0])); gSaveFileModified = TRUE; save_file_do_save(fileIndex); } void save_file_copy(s32 srcFileIndex, s32 destFileIndex) { UNUSED s32 pad; touch_high_score_ages(destFileIndex); bcopy(&gSaveBuffer.files[srcFileIndex][0], &gSaveBuffer.files[destFileIndex][0], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.files[destFileIndex][0])); gSaveFileModified = TRUE; save_file_do_save(destFileIndex); } void save_file_load_all(void) { s32 file; s32 validSlots; gMainMenuDataModified = FALSE; gSaveFileModified = FALSE; bzero(&gSaveBuffer, sizeof(gSaveBuffer)); read_eeprom_data(&gSaveBuffer, sizeof(gSaveBuffer)); // Verify the main menu data and create a backup copy if only one of the slots is valid. validSlots = verify_save_block_signature(&gSaveBuffer.menuData[0], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.menuData[0]), MENU_DATA_MAGIC); validSlots |= verify_save_block_signature(&gSaveBuffer.menuData[1], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.menuData[1]),MENU_DATA_MAGIC) << 1; switch (validSlots) { case 0: // Neither copy is correct wipe_main_menu_data(); break; case 1: // Slot 0 is correct and slot 1 is incorrect restore_main_menu_data(0); break; case 2: // Slot 1 is correct and slot 0 is incorrect restore_main_menu_data(1); break; } for (file = 0; file < NUM_SAVE_FILES; file++) { // Verify the save file and create a backup copy if only one of the slots is valid. validSlots = verify_save_block_signature(&gSaveBuffer.files[file][0], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.files[file][0]), SAVE_FILE_MAGIC); validSlots |= verify_save_block_signature(&gSaveBuffer.files[file][1], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.files[file][1]), SAVE_FILE_MAGIC) << 1; switch (validSlots) { case 0: // Neither copy is correct save_file_erase(file); break; case 1: // Slot 0 is correct and slot 1 is incorrect restore_save_file_data(file, 0); break; case 2: // Slot 1 is correct and slot 0 is incorrect restore_save_file_data(file, 1); break; } } no_op(); } /** * Reload the current save file from its backup copy, which is effectively a * a cached copy of what has been written to EEPROM. * This is used after getting a game over. */ void save_file_reload(void) { // Copy save file data from backup bcopy(&gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][1], &gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0])); // Copy main menu data from backup bcopy(&gSaveBuffer.menuData[1], &gSaveBuffer.menuData[0], sizeof(gSaveBuffer.menuData[0])); gMainMenuDataModified = FALSE; gSaveFileModified = FALSE; } /** * Update the current save file after collecting a star or a key. * If coin score is greater than the current high score, update it. */ void save_file_collect_star_or_key(s16 coinScore, s16 starIndex) { s32 fileIndex = gCurrSaveFileNum - 1; s32 courseIndex = gCurrCourseNum - 1; s32 starFlag = 1 << starIndex; UNUSED s32 flags = save_file_get_flags(); gLastCompletedCourseNum = courseIndex + 1; gLastCompletedStarNum = starIndex + 1; sUnusedGotGlobalCoinHiScore = 0; gGotFileCoinHiScore = 0; if (courseIndex >= 0 && courseIndex < COURSE_STAGES_COUNT) { //! Compares the coin score as a 16 bit value, but only writes the 8 bit // truncation. This can allow a high score to decrease. if (coinScore > ((u16) save_file_get_max_coin_score(courseIndex) & 0xFFFF)) { sUnusedGotGlobalCoinHiScore = 1; } if (coinScore > save_file_get_course_coin_score(fileIndex, courseIndex)) { gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0].courseCoinScores[courseIndex] = coinScore; touch_coin_score_age(fileIndex, courseIndex); gGotFileCoinHiScore = 1; gSaveFileModified = TRUE; } } switch (gCurrLevelNum) { case LEVEL_BOWSER_1: if (!(save_file_get_flags() & (SAVE_FLAG_HAVE_KEY_1 | SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_BASEMENT_DOOR))) { save_file_set_flags(SAVE_FLAG_HAVE_KEY_1); } break; case LEVEL_BOWSER_2: if (!(save_file_get_flags() & (SAVE_FLAG_HAVE_KEY_2 | SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_UPSTAIRS_DOOR))) { save_file_set_flags(SAVE_FLAG_HAVE_KEY_2); } break; case LEVEL_BOWSER_3: break; default: if (!(save_file_get_star_flags(fileIndex, courseIndex) & starFlag)) { save_file_set_star_flags(fileIndex, courseIndex, starFlag); } break; } } s32 save_file_exists(s32 fileIndex) { return (gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0].flags & SAVE_FLAG_FILE_EXISTS) != 0; } /** * Get the maximum coin score across all files for a course. The lower 16 bits * of the returned value are the score, and the upper 16 bits are the file number * of the save file with this score. */ u32 save_file_get_max_coin_score(s32 courseIndex) { s32 fileIndex; s32 maxCoinScore = -1; s32 maxScoreAge = -1; s32 maxScoreFileNum = 0; for (fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < NUM_SAVE_FILES; fileIndex++) { if (save_file_get_star_flags(fileIndex, courseIndex) != 0) { s32 coinScore = save_file_get_course_coin_score(fileIndex, courseIndex); s32 scoreAge = get_coin_score_age(fileIndex, courseIndex); if (coinScore > maxCoinScore || (coinScore == maxCoinScore && scoreAge > maxScoreAge)) { maxCoinScore = coinScore; maxScoreAge = scoreAge; maxScoreFileNum = fileIndex + 1; } } } return (maxScoreFileNum << 16) + max(maxCoinScore, 0); } s32 save_file_get_course_star_count(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex) { s32 i; s32 count = 0; u8 flag = 1; u8 starFlags = save_file_get_star_flags(fileIndex, courseIndex); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++, flag <<= 1) { if (starFlags & flag) { count++; } } return count; } s32 save_file_get_total_star_count(s32 fileIndex, s32 minCourse, s32 maxCourse) { s32 count = 0; // Get standard course star count. for (; minCourse <= maxCourse; minCourse++) { count += save_file_get_course_star_count(fileIndex, minCourse); } // Add castle secret star count. return save_file_get_course_star_count(fileIndex, -1) + count; } void save_file_set_flags(s32 flags) { gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0].flags |= (flags | SAVE_FLAG_FILE_EXISTS); gSaveFileModified = TRUE; } void save_file_clear_flags(s32 flags) { gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0].flags &= ~flags; gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0].flags |= SAVE_FLAG_FILE_EXISTS; gSaveFileModified = TRUE; } s32 save_file_get_flags(void) { if (gCurrCreditsEntry != 0 || gCurrDemoInput != NULL) { return 0; } return gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0].flags; } /** * Return the bitset of obtained stars in the specified course. * If course is -1, return the bitset of obtained castle secret stars. */ s32 save_file_get_star_flags(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex) { s32 starFlags; if (courseIndex == -1) { starFlags = (gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0].flags >> 24) & 0x7F; } else { starFlags = gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0].courseStars[courseIndex] & 0x7F; } return starFlags; } /** * Add to the bitset of obtained stars in the specified course. * If course is -1, add ot the bitset of obtained castle secret stars. */ void save_file_set_star_flags(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex, s32 starFlags) { if (courseIndex == -1) { gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0].flags |= starFlags << 24; } else { gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0].courseStars[courseIndex] |= starFlags; } gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0].flags |= SAVE_FLAG_FILE_EXISTS; gSaveFileModified = TRUE; } s32 save_file_get_course_coin_score(s32 fileIndex, s32 courseIndex) { return gSaveBuffer.files[fileIndex][0].courseCoinScores[courseIndex]; } /** * Return TRUE if the cannon is unlocked in the current course. */ s32 save_file_is_cannon_unlocked(void) { return (gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0].courseStars[gCurrCourseNum] & 0x80) != 0; } /** * Sets the cannon status to unlocked in the current course. */ void save_file_set_cannon_unlocked(void) { gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0].courseStars[gCurrCourseNum] |= 0x80; gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0].flags |= SAVE_FLAG_FILE_EXISTS; gSaveFileModified = TRUE; } void save_file_set_cap_pos(s16 x, s16 y, s16 z) { struct SaveFile *saveFile = &gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0]; saveFile->capLevel = gCurrLevelNum; saveFile->capArea = gCurrAreaIndex; vec3s_set(saveFile->capPos, x, y, z); save_file_set_flags(SAVE_FLAG_CAP_ON_GROUND); } s32 save_file_get_cap_pos(Vec3s capPos) { struct SaveFile *saveFile = &gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0]; s32 flags = save_file_get_flags(); if (saveFile->capLevel == gCurrLevelNum && saveFile->capArea == gCurrAreaIndex && (flags & SAVE_FLAG_CAP_ON_GROUND)) { vec3s_copy(capPos, saveFile->capPos); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void save_file_set_sound_mode(u16 mode) { set_sound_mode(mode); gSaveBuffer.menuData[0].soundMode = mode; gMainMenuDataModified = TRUE; save_main_menu_data(); } u16 save_file_get_sound_mode(void) { return gSaveBuffer.menuData[0].soundMode; } void save_file_move_cap_to_default_location(void) { if (save_file_get_flags() & SAVE_FLAG_CAP_ON_GROUND) { switch (gSaveBuffer.files[gCurrSaveFileNum - 1][0].capLevel) { case LEVEL_SSL: save_file_set_flags(SAVE_FLAG_CAP_ON_KLEPTO); break; case LEVEL_SL: save_file_set_flags(SAVE_FLAG_CAP_ON_MR_BLIZZARD); break; case LEVEL_TTM: save_file_set_flags(SAVE_FLAG_CAP_ON_UKIKI); break; } save_file_clear_flags(SAVE_FLAG_CAP_ON_GROUND); } } #ifdef VERSION_EU void eu_set_language(u16 language) { gSaveBuffer.menuData[0].language = language; gMainMenuDataModified = TRUE; save_main_menu_data(); } u16 eu_get_language(void) { return gSaveBuffer.menuData[0].language; } #endif void disable_warp_checkpoint(void) { // check_warp_checkpoint() checks to see if gWarpCheckpoint.courseNum != 0 gWarpCheckpoint.courseNum = 0; } /** * Checks the upper bit of the WarpNode->destLevel byte to see if the * game should set a warp checkpoint. */ void check_if_should_set_warp_checkpoint(struct WarpNode *warpNode) { if (warpNode->destLevel & 0x80) { // Overwrite the warp checkpoint variables. gWarpCheckpoint.actNum = gCurrActNum; gWarpCheckpoint.courseNum = gCurrCourseNum; gWarpCheckpoint.levelID = warpNode->destLevel & 0x7F; gWarpCheckpoint.areaNum = warpNode->destArea; gWarpCheckpoint.warpNode = warpNode->destNode; } } /** * Checks to see if a checkpoint is properly active or not. This will * also update the level, area, and destination node of the input WarpNode. * returns TRUE if input WarpNode was updated, and FALSE if not. */ s32 check_warp_checkpoint(struct WarpNode *warpNode) { s16 isWarpCheckpointActive = FALSE; s16 currCourseNum = gLevelToCourseNumTable[(warpNode->destLevel & 0x7F) - 1]; // gSavedCourseNum is only used in this function. if (gWarpCheckpoint.courseNum != 0 && gSavedCourseNum == currCourseNum && gWarpCheckpoint.actNum == gCurrActNum) { warpNode->destLevel = gWarpCheckpoint.levelID; warpNode->destArea = gWarpCheckpoint.areaNum; warpNode->destNode = gWarpCheckpoint.warpNode; isWarpCheckpointActive = TRUE; } else { // Disable the warp checkpoint just incase the other 2 conditions failed? gWarpCheckpoint.courseNum = 0; } return isWarpCheckpointActive; }