# redditproto Protocol Buffer definitions for Reddit's JSON api types. For more information about what these messages represent, see [Reddit's docs](https://github.com/reddit/reddit/wiki/JSON). To generate the code for the protobuffers for your language, you can most likely do the following: [your package manager] install protobuf-compiler protoc --[your lang code]_out=. *.proto Common examples: protoc --cpp_out=. *.proto protoc --java_out=. *.proto protoc --python_out=. *.proto See ````protoc --help```` for further guidance. # Update Policy No breaking changes will be made to redditproto messages as of version 1.0. Any message changes will be noted here in the readme. * 0.9.0 -> August 25th, 2015 * 1.0.0 -> October 21st, 2015 * 2.0.0 -> Octover 29th, 2015 (No message changes; improve Go utilities). * 2.1.0 -> December 22nd, 2015 (Added LinkSet message) # Gophers The golang generated code is included to make this package go gettable. There are also some utility functions included for parsing Reddit's JSON responses. If you're writing a golang utility for Reddit I'd be happy to add things for you!