package ace import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "strings" ) // Tag names const ( tagNameDiv = "div" ) // Attribute names const ( attributeNameID = "id" ) // htmlAttribute represents an HTML attribute. type htmlAttribute struct { key string value string } // htmlTag represents an HTML tag. type htmlTag struct { elementBase tagName string id string classes []string containPlainText bool insertBr bool attributes []htmlAttribute textValue string } // WriteTo writes data to w. func (e *htmlTag) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) { var bf bytes.Buffer // Write an open tag. bf.WriteString(lt) bf.WriteString(e.tagName) // Write an id. if != "" { bf.WriteString(space) bf.WriteString(attributeNameID) bf.WriteString(equal) bf.WriteString(doubleQuote) bf.WriteString( bf.WriteString(doubleQuote) } // Write classes. if len(e.classes) > 0 { bf.WriteString(space) bf.WriteString(e.opts.AttributeNameClass) bf.WriteString(equal) bf.WriteString(doubleQuote) for i, class := range e.classes { if i > 0 { bf.WriteString(space) } bf.WriteString(class) } bf.WriteString(doubleQuote) } // Write attributes. if len(e.attributes) > 0 { for _, a := range e.attributes { bf.WriteString(space) bf.WriteString(a.key) if a.value != "" { bf.WriteString(equal) bf.WriteString(doubleQuote) bf.WriteString(a.value) bf.WriteString(doubleQuote) } } } bf.WriteString(gt) // Write a text value if e.textValue != "" { bf.WriteString(e.textValue) } if e.containPlainText { bf.WriteString(lf) } // Write children's HTML. if i, err := e.writeChildren(&bf); err != nil { return i, err } // Write a close tag. if !e.noCloseTag() { bf.WriteString(lt) bf.WriteString(slash) bf.WriteString(e.tagName) bf.WriteString(gt) } // Write the buffer. i, err := w.Write(bf.Bytes()) return int64(i), err } // ContainPlainText returns the HTML tag's containPlainText field. func (e *htmlTag) ContainPlainText() bool { return e.containPlainText } // InsertBr returns true if the br tag is inserted to the line. func (e *htmlTag) InsertBr() bool { return e.insertBr } // setAttributes parses the tokens and set attributes to the element. func (e *htmlTag) setAttributes() error { parsedTokens := e.parseTokens() var i int var token string var setTextValue bool // Set attributes to the element. for i, token = range parsedTokens { kv := strings.Split(token, equal) if len(kv) < 2 { setTextValue = true break } k := kv[0] v := strings.Join(kv[1:], equal) // Remove the prefix and suffix of the double quotes. if len(v) > 1 && strings.HasPrefix(v, doubleQuote) && strings.HasSuffix(v, doubleQuote) { v = v[1 : len(v)-1] } switch k { case attributeNameID: if != "" { return fmt.Errorf("multiple IDs are specified [file: %s][line: %d]", e.ln.fileName(), } = v case e.opts.AttributeNameClass: e.classes = append(e.classes, strings.Split(v, space)...) default: e.attributes = append(e.attributes, htmlAttribute{k, v}) } } // Set a text value to the element. if setTextValue { e.textValue = strings.Join(parsedTokens[i:], space) } return nil } // noCloseTag returns true is the HTML tag has no close tag. func (e *htmlTag) noCloseTag() bool { for _, name := range e.opts.NoCloseTagNames { if e.tagName == name { return true } } return false } // newHTMLTag creates and returns an HTML tag. func newHTMLTag(ln *line, rslt *result, src *source, parent element, opts *Options) (*htmlTag, error) { if len(ln.tokens) < 1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("an HTML tag is not specified [file: %s][line: %d]", ln.fileName(), } s := ln.tokens[0] tagName := extractTagName(s) id, err := extractID(s, ln) if err != nil { return nil, err } classes := extractClasses(s) e := &htmlTag{ elementBase: newElementBase(ln, rslt, src, parent, opts), tagName: tagName, id: id, classes: classes, containPlainText: strings.HasSuffix(s, dot), insertBr: strings.HasSuffix(s, doubleDot), attributes: make([]htmlAttribute, 0, 2), } if err := e.setAttributes(); err != nil { return nil, err } return e, nil } // extractTag extracts and returns a tag. func extractTagName(s string) string { tagName := strings.Split(strings.Split(s, sharp)[0], dot)[0] if tagName == "" { tagName = tagNameDiv } return tagName } // extractID extracts and returns an ID. func extractID(s string, ln *line) (string, error) { tokens := strings.Split(s, sharp) l := len(tokens) if l < 2 { return "", nil } if l > 2 { return "", fmt.Errorf("multiple IDs are specified [file: %s][line: %d]", ln.fileName(), } return strings.Split(tokens[1], dot)[0], nil } // extractClasses extracts and returns classes. func extractClasses(s string) []string { var classes []string for i, token := range strings.Split(s, dot) { if i == 0 { continue } class := strings.Split(token, sharp)[0] if class == "" { continue } classes = append(classes, class) } return classes } // parseTokens parses the tokens and return them func (e *htmlTag) parseTokens() []string { var inQuote bool var inDelim bool var tokens []string var token string str := strings.Join(e.ln.tokens[1:], space) for _, chr := range str { switch c := string(chr); c { case space: if inQuote || inDelim { token += c } else { tokens = append(tokens, token) token = "" } case doubleQuote: if !inDelim { if inQuote { inQuote = false } else { inQuote = true } } token += c default: token += c if inDelim { if strings.HasSuffix(token, e.opts.DelimRight) { inDelim = false } } else { if strings.HasSuffix(token, e.opts.DelimLeft) { inDelim = true } } } } if len(token) > 0 { tokens = append(tokens, token) } return tokens }