
26 lines
1012 B

class Plugin:
# The name of the plugin. This string will be displayed in the Plugin menu
name = "Template Plugin"
# The name of the plugin author
author = "Template Author"
# If the plugin should be reloaded from a call to /plugins/reload or a file change
hot_reload = False
# The HTML that will be loaded when selecting the plugin in the list
main_view_html = "<html><body><h2>Hello World</h2></body></html>"
# The HTML that will be used to display a widget in the plugin main page
tile_view_html = ""
# A normal method. It can be called from JavaScript using call_plugin_function("method_1", argument1, argument2)
async def method_1(self, *args):
# A normal method. It can be called from JavaScript using call_plugin_function("method_2", argument1, argument2)
async def method_2(self, *args):
# Asyncio-compatible long-running code, executed in a task when the plugin is loaded
async def __main(self):