# taildeck A bunch of hacks to install Tailscale on a steam deck ## Building ``` nix build .#image ``` ## Updating ``` ./gen_tarball.sh ``` ## Installing If you have a steam deck, try this and see if it works: ``` mkdir -p ~/.local/share/tailscale/steamos sudo mkdir -p /etc/extensions curl -o ~/.local/share/tailscale/steamos/tailscale_sysext_1.24.2.raw https://xena.greedo.xeserv.us/pkg/ts-sysext/tailscale_sysext_1.24.2.raw sudo ln -s ~/.local/share/tailscale/steamos/tailscale_sysext_1.24.2.raw /etc/extensions/tailscale.raw sudo systemd-sysext merge sudo systemctl enable --now tailscaled.service sudo tailscale up --qr ``` If you see what I'm doing wrong, please [let me know](https://pony.social/@cadey).