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2015-07-28 01:04:20 +00:00
{"topics":[{"id":"544cbcce636872562a6d0100","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@twistedmetalero\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/544c91886368727be0020000#post_544c91886368727be0020000\r\nMy reaction to this study:\r\n!http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/852/947/dea.gif!\r\n(Yes I have been waiting to use this image)\r\n\r\nJoking aside random post:\r\nI'm watching a couple of furries on DA and such, cause I like their stuff(I quit the fandom years ago cause of their drama shit), and unfortunately every time I look at a video or such I'm internally going, \"hey remember that time the furry fandom made total asshats of themselves?\" or \"hey remember that one time that furry made a total asshat of themself?\" I'm not going to lie; you furries that joined after the fandom started cracking down on the asshats have it easy; you don't have any memories of people screaming racial slurs, no news stories of furries trying to kill their boyfriend's parents so they can be payed with being allowed to bite off their penis(no that's not a joke), no news stories of dogfuckers getting arrested and then furries doxxing people who voice anti-dog fucker opinions and such.\r\n\r\nAnd no I'm not joking; I don't know of a single other fandom where I've been sent death threats for saying that dog fucking in real life/saying that pedophilia is wrong. That's not a joke either. Thank god the fandom had enough of their shit and cracked down on this around 2007/2008. So yeah; there's a massive reason why so many people that like anthro don't want nothing to do with the actual fandom.","author":"38b55cdf63616403d7560600"},{"id":"544cd532636872582d890000","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"DO NOT EVER EAT AN ENTIRE FIREY HAWAIIAN PIZZA FROM DOMINOS \r\nIT DOES BAD THINGS TO YOUR BODY\r\nI DON'T THINK I'LL EVER BE THE SAME AFTER TONIGHT ","author":"500b587e7f123b1f230014a9"},{"id":"544d1d566368725ccd1c0200","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@Too_Offensive\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/544cd532636872582d890000#post_544cd532636872582d890000\r\nSounds like a shitty idea.","author":"515ddf93a4c72d8a1f000d57"},{"id":"544d20e26368722d05020200","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@Too_Offensive\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/544cd532636872582d890000#post_544cd532636872582d890000\r\nWhat did it do to you?\r\n\r\n\r\n\"@uc9\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/544cbcce636872562a6d0100#post_544cbcce636872562a6d0100\r\nI didn't exactly have a full understanding of what a Furry was before joining this Pony Fandom, other than people who appear to be fond of things with fur. For some reason, anime fandoms seems to have a common distaste towards anthro cartoon animals, judging by how the top images on Sankaku under each tag that DO contain high concentrations of Furry art tend to be dominated by whatever human art that are under the same tags. I was never really into Furry stuff, but I didn't exactly know why people hated them, other than how they break from the norms, until the shit I saw they threw at the Pony Fandom during the early days of our existence. Furries, ironically of all people to hate Bronies and MLP, despite being admittedly similar in culture and went through similar experience throughout their histories. Those death threats just because some artists simply want to make MLP art, and threats made just because FA wanted to place a temporary MLP inspired banner of FA. But I trust that those are just rowdy minorities who make too much noise. And I guess they were simply just tired of how our Pony stuff appeared everywhere. Yet, their Furry and Sonic stuff appear everywhere as well, much to the frustration of other fandoms out there.\r\n\r\nDon't worry, I am a friend with a few Furries on this site. And they are pleasant people. There is an artist I watch on FA, he seems like a cool guy.","author":"4fde5cee945b700a970060fc"},{"id":"544d25ac63687234d2fd0000","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@Too_Offensive\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/544cd532636872582d89