{"topics":[{"id":"540ea07163687212147a0000","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@uc9\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/540ea00863687232f80b0200#post_540ea00863687232f80b0200\r\nCareful with that thing. I heard from a guy that it does weird shit to your brain.","author":"4fde4618945b700aa0002fff"},{"id":"540ea0e66368726d9d950000","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@uc9\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/540ea00863687232f80b0200#post_540ea00863687232f80b0200\r\nOh, OH!\r\n\r\nI'm glad to know someone else suffers through this too.\r\n\r\nI've been going through this for like several years now where I am talking to someone and stop and go \"I forgot what I was gonna say\"\r\n\r\nIt fucking su-\r\n!http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BjnuJrffL7k/UtBihYlo45I/AAAAAAABXvk/CbKMoKP8Uns/w400-h216-no/6eHHFD6.gif!\r\nWhat was I talking about again? ","author":"50c204917f123b31440000a5"},{"id":"540ea131636872748fa80100","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@SquiggyBomb\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/540ea07163687212147a0000#post_540ea07163687212147a0000\r\nOh cool a calender is on the back; *points it towards everyone* hold on I need my prescription sunglasses. *puts on prescription sunglasses* I think it's asking for my birthday \"October 4th, 1989\" *flash*","author":"38b55cdf63616403d7560600"},{"id":"540ea1a36368725527550100","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@uc9\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/540ea131636872748fa80100#post_540ea131636872748fa80100\r\nAnd then we all turn back into cave men. ","author":"50c204917f123b31440000a5"},{"id":"540ea2116368723724b80000","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@uc9\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/540ea131636872748fa80100#post_540ea131636872748fa80100\r\n...*Pulls out the beta capsule from my pocket*\r\n\r\nWhat is this?\r\n\r\n*Activates it*\r\n\r\n!http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130101133356/ultra/images/9/98/Rise_I.png!","author":"5062d6f17f123b3e16001184"},{"id":"540ea23063687263af150000","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"Well my pets. I know I just got back but it's time for this Squiggy to be off to bed.\r\nI got a date with some cute guys in Sandman Land.","author":"4fde4618945b700aa0002fff"},{"id":"540ea25f63687211fe890000","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@trashboat\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/540ea2116368723724b80000#post_540ea2116368723724b80000\r\nOh my god! It's a power ranger!\r\n:V","author":"38b55cdf63616403d7560600"},{"id":"540ea42b636872132c270000","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@SquiggyBomb\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/540ea23063687263af150000#post_540ea23063687263af150000\r\nHave a nice rest my Squiggypon buddy!\r\n\r\n","author":"50c204917f123b31440000a5"},{"id":"540ea43e63687277777c0000","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@uc9\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/540ea25f63687211fe890000#post_540ea25f63687211fe890000\r\nSHUWA?\r\n\r\n\"*Randomsaur appears out of nowhere and reveals himself to be a Baltan*\":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9lcMOLJnPw\r\n\r\nSHUWATCH!\r\n\r\n*Fighting*","author":"5062d6f17f123b3e16001184"},{"id":"540eb7c76368720a384f0200","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"I'm about to go to bed, but what I was talking about earlier about how black holes don't actually in the traditional sense exist makes a lot of sense physics wise if they are metaphorical ends of the universe. Basically empty space is massively unstable in that every second there's countless things called \"virtual particles\" being created which are particle-antiparticle pairs that nearly instantly annihilate each other. If a virtual particle has one of their pairs on one side of a \"event horizon(the point of no return in a \"black hole\") they separate and \"create\" matter.\r\n\r\nThe big bang would actually be a bang, but rather virtual particles being created on opposing sides of a \"horizon\" separating and \"creating\" matter and the matter inside the \"horizon\" would be \"destroyed\".\r\n\r\nTraditionally you can't create matter or energy, but in a area where there are no laws of physics insane amounts of unimaginable types of matter and energy and things we can't comprehend would be created. Unstable matter and certain types of matter and particles would instantly be destroyed; only virtual particles that have pairs on the other side would not be destroyed instantly. There is a infinitely large and both infinitely small chance that other types of matter and energies would survive, but considering we have yet to encounter them either means they didn't make it or they're extremely rare.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWhy is this important? We're talking not only stopping the heat death of the universe(obviously not for a couple million years), but potentially the ability to make our own universes and that there is both a infinitely large and infinitely small chance of things our current model of physics can't allow being real. For example there if this is true there is both a infinitely large and infinitely small chance of there being such a thing as matter with negative mass; there could be such a thing as a negative moon floating around somewhere in the universe and there could even be somewhere in the universe where two plus two doesn't equal four and instead equals five.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSide note: there's a reason why I never claim to know everything or be a expert in anything(except printing) and I'll gladly admit that most of what I say can easily fall into what is considered as opinion cause eventually everything you know will be disproved cause if our fundamental understanding of how the universe works is wrong then why would I claim to know anything; the people who claim to know everything know nothing and those that admit they know nothing at least know they know nothing.\r\n\r\n\r\nObligatory:\r\n!http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/657/718/0b7.png!","author":"38b55cdf63616403d7560600"},{"id":"540eba026368727befec0100","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@uc9\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/540eb7c76368720a384f0200#post_540eb7c76368720a384f0200\r\nI basically got that. So black holes split apart virtual matter and create matter on both sides of the horizon which redacts the Heat Death by negating the Second Law of Thermodynamics wherein all things go towards entropy?\r\n\r\nWhere did you read this? Sounds like an interesting site","author":"4fe16df67f123b13e400003f"},{"id":"540ebcac6368726cac760200","topic_id":"5161dd617f123bd25900013d","body":"\"@Whatevs\":/dis/the-time-wasting-thread/post/540eba026368727befec0100#post_540eba026368727befec0100\r\nPhysicist Joseph Polchinski in 2012 was talking about entangled particles about a paradox involving what happens if one entangled particle goes into a black hole whereas the other isn't. The problem arises in that the entangled particle both can not and has to communicate with it's partner. The solution to this is either lies with Polchinski's crowd that a black hole is the edge of universe and that all matter and energy is spat back out as broken down to mere energy, or with Hawking in that a black hole doesn't have a actual event horizon which also screws with the second law of thermodynamics.\r\n\r\nIf Hawking is right then the second law of thermodynamics is wrong. If Polchinski is right then relativity is wrong.\r\n\r\n\r\nTachyons have long been theorized to be created by black holes by string theorists, I forgot who came up with the theory to be honest. Tachyons aren't the problem cause if Einstein was right then matter isn't actually being created rather it's opposing particle that would naturally destroy it is trapped in the black hole with no net energy or mass gain to the universe. The new theories throw a massive wrench into this cause if it's opposing particle is destroyed then not only is that destroying matter but creating energy and matter at the same time which is a massive problem physics wise.\r\n\r\nRight now it's a heated debate in physics cause either way our understanding of physics is fundamentally wrong.\r\n\r\n