use anyhow::Result; use async_trait::async_trait; use discord_webhook::Body; use furbooru::{Client, Comment, FirehoseAdaptor, Image}; use regex::Regex; use serde::Deserialize; #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] pub(crate) struct Config { discord_webhook_url: String, furbooru_api_key: String, bot_owner_furbooru_account: String, regexes: std::path::PathBuf, } impl Config {} #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] pub(crate) struct Rule { regex: String, why: String, } struct CompiledRule { regex: Regex, raw: String, why: String, } pub(crate) fn user_agent(username: String) -> String { format!( "{}/{} ({}, +{})", env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), username, env!("CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY") ) } struct Rules(Vec, Config); #[async_trait] impl FirehoseAdaptor for Rules { async fn image_created(&self, img: Image) -> Result<()> { let mut buf: String = String::new(); let mut found = false; for rule in &self.0 { if rule.regex.is_match(&img.description.to_lowercase()) { log::debug!("{:?} matches {}", img.description, rule.raw); found = true; buf.push_str(&format!("\n- match on rule `{}` ({})", rule.raw, rule.why)); } } if found { discord_webhook::execute( self.1.discord_webhook_url.clone(), Body::new(format!("matches found on <{}>:{}", img.view_url, buf)), ) .await?; log::info!("the description of {} has naughty words", img.view_url); } Ok(()) } async fn comment_created(&self, cmt: Comment) -> Result<()> { let mut buf: String = String::new(); let mut found = false; for rule in &self.0 { if rule.regex.is_match(&cmt.body.to_lowercase()) { log::debug!("{:?} matches {}", cmt.body, rule.raw); found = true; buf.push_str(&format!("\n- match on rule `{}` ({})", rule.raw, rule.why)); } } if found { discord_webhook::execute( self.1.discord_webhook_url.clone(), Body::new(format!( "matches found on :{}", cmt.image_id,, buf )), ) .await?; log::info!( "comment{}#comment_{} has naughty words", cmt.image_id, ); } Ok(()) } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let _ = kankyo::init(); pretty_env_logger::init(); let cfg: Config = envy::from_env()?; log::debug!("cfg: {:?}", cfg); let rexes: Vec = serde_dhall::from_file(cfg.regexes.clone()).parse()?; let mut compiled_rules: Vec = Vec::new(); for rule in rexes { log::debug!("{} -> {}", rule.regex, rule.why); compiled_rules.push(CompiledRule { raw: rule.regex.clone(), regex: Regex::new(rule.regex.as_str())?, why: rule.why, }) } let cli = Client::new( user_agent(cfg.bot_owner_furbooru_account.clone()), cfg.furbooru_api_key.clone(), )?; log::info!("listening on the firehose"); cli.firehose(Rules(compiled_rules, cfg)).await?; Ok(()) }