Parroting Syndrome

### By Pronas

Hello everyone. Pronas here. In this thread of mine, I plan to talk about something VERY SERIOUS called Parroting Syndrome.

Parroting Syndrome is basically when you think everything that happens to your tulpa seems to be done by you (a.k.a parroting).

Now, the reason why this is serious is because if you keep thinking like this, you won't be able to perceive results in fear of tricking yourself, which will in turn make you lose motivation and in the end, make you quit making a tulpa.

Unfortunately, there's no SUREFIRE way to know if you are parroting. Some people say the Vandereich's Prism works, while others don't seem to get any results from it. Also, I'm not going to say I have devised a way to know if you are parroting or a way stop parroting altogether, but I just want to share a way to at least make you parrot less.

Basically, it involves convincing yourself you can't parrot anymore. But how do you do that? Firstly, you have to change the way you look at things. Whenever you try to visualize your tulpa, and it does something out of the blue, like smile, or walk somewhere, you have to just take it as it is.

Think like this: "Oh my tulpa moved, that's all". Maybe it was on it's own, maybe you were parroting, but there's no way to know so why keep thinking about it? It's dangerous to keep questioning yourself whether it was real or not, because you'll question everything then, and when you question everything you are doomed.

"But I have trouble just letting things happen!" - you might say. If that's the case you might want to try a symbolic way to cease parroting.

Visualize your tulpa in front of you, all cute and pretty. Now you bring your hands to it's face and start moving them throughout it's whole body. [REDACTED]

Anyways, as your hands run along your tulpa's body, you imagine threads coming out of it, like they are being revealed. These threads should represent your control over your tulpa, what makes it move without it's consent, the essence of parroting.

After you imagine the threads, you have to cut them. You can just imagine them being cut, or you can tulpaforce some scissors, whatever you think fits best. After the threads are cut, your tulpa is now a free being. You cannot control it anymore. Anything it does is because of it's own will.

And that's it. Though you might parrot it subconciously, it's not like you can avoid it. Heck, maybe a tulpa is subconscious parroting, who knows? Anyways, I wish the best of luck to you guys who think they are parroting.


Guide found [here](