package dialer import ( "net" "net/url" "" ) const ( protoHTTP = "http" protoHTTPS = "https" protoWS = "ws" protoWSS = "wss" protoTCP = "tcp" ) // Dial creates a client connection to the given target. func Dial(target string) (net.Conn, error) { u, err := url.Parse(target) if err != nil { return nil, err } switch u.Scheme { case protoHTTP, protoHTTPS, protoWS, protoWSS: return dialWebsocket(u) case protoTCP: return dialSocket(u) default: panic("stomp: invalid protocol") } } func dialWebsocket(target *url.URL) (net.Conn, error) { origin, err := target.Parse("/") if err != nil { return nil, err } switch origin.Scheme { case protoWS: origin.Scheme = protoHTTP case protoWSS: origin.Scheme = protoHTTPS } return websocket.Dial(target.String(), "", origin.String()) } func dialSocket(target *url.URL) (net.Conn, error) { return net.Dial(protoTCP, target.Host) }