version: "3" services: # Persistence layers and dev tools # zipkin: image: openzipkin/zipkin environment: STORAGE_TYPE: mem ports: - "9411:9411" # nats message queue nats: image: nats ports: - "4222:4222" # database rqlite: restart: always image: rqlite/rqlite:4.0.2 volumes: - rqlite:/rqlite/file ports: - "4001:4001" command: -on-disk -http-adv-addr rqlite:4001 # the bot and event sourcing ingress vyvanse: restart: always image: xena/vyvanse env_file: ./.env depends_on: - zipkin - nats - rqlite logworker: restart: always image: xena/vyvanse env_file: ./.env depends_on: - zipkin - nats - rqlite command: /root/go/bin/logworker volumes: rqlite: