# vyvanse A simple chatbot and spamfiltering automaton for your discord enjoyment. Click this link to [invite me to your server](https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=266986250689445888&scope=bot)! ## Stack - Go - Discordgo - Drone MQ - RQLite - Zipkin ## Local Development ### Dependencies - [box](https://github.com/box-builder/box) - [Nim](https://nim-lang.org) - [Docker](https://docker.com) (either the toolbox or the native app will work) ### Setup ```console $ cp .env.sample .env $ e .env # or your favorite editor ``` Fill out `TOKEN=` with your discord bot token. ```console $ nim up ``` Then head to [Zipkin]( and see the tracing data for each command invocation.