const Lang = imports.lang; const GLib =; const Self = imports.misc.extensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); const Prefs = Self.imports.settings; let _afTimerInstance = null; // Singleton implementation of _AFTimer var AFTimer = function () { if (!_afTimerInstance) { _afTimerInstance = new _AFTimer(); } return _afTimerInstance; }; /** * Timer for the auto fetch feature. * * @type {Lang} */ var _AFTimer = class { constructor() { this._timeout = null; this._timoutEndCallback = null; this._minutes = 30; this._settings = new Prefs.Settings(); } isActive() { return this._settings.get('auto-fetch', 'boolean'); } remainingMinutes() { let minutesElapsed = this._minutesElapsed(); let remainder = minutesElapsed % this._minutes; return Math.max(this._minutes - remainder, 0); } registerCallback(callback) { this._timoutEndCallback = callback; } /** * Sets the minutes of the timer. * * @param minutes */ setMinutes(minutes) { this._minutes = minutes; } /** * Start the timer. * * @return void */ start() { this.cleanup(); let last = this._settings.get('timer-last-trigger', 'int64'); if (last === 0) { this.reset(); } let millisRemaining = this.remainingMinutes() * 60 * 1000; // set new wallpaper if the interval was surpassed and set the timestamp to when it should have been updated if (this._surpassedInterval()) { if (this._timoutEndCallback) { this._timoutEndCallback(); } let millisOverdue = (this._minutes * 60 * 1000) - millisRemaining; this._settings.set('timer-last-trigger', 'int64', - millisOverdue); } // actual timer function this._timeout = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, millisRemaining, () => { if (this._timoutEndCallback) { this._timoutEndCallback(); } this.reset(); // reset timer this.start(); // restart timer }); } /** * Stop the timer. * * @return void */ stop() { this._settings.set('timer-last-trigger', 'int64', 0); this.cleanup(); } /** * Cleanup the timeout callback if it exists. * * @return void */ cleanup() { if (this._timeout) { // only remove if a timeout is active GLib.source_remove(this._timeout); this._timeout = null; } } /** * Reset the timer. * * @return void */ reset() { this._settings.set('timer-last-trigger', 'int64', new Date().getTime()); this.cleanup(); } _minutesElapsed() { let now =; let last = this._settings.get('timer-last-trigger', 'int64'); if (last === 0) { return 0; } let elapsed = Math.max(now - last, 0); return Math.floor(elapsed / (60 * 1000)); } _surpassedInterval() { let now =; let last = this._settings.get('timer-last-trigger', 'int64'); let diff = now - last; let intervalLength = this._minutes * 60 * 1000; return diff > intervalLength; } };