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2015-06-08 21:34:34 +00:00
xena@fluttershy (linux) ~/.ghq/
➜ tup ±[●●][master] [0]
[ tup ] [0.000s] Scanning filesystem...
[ tup ] [0.156s] Reading in new environment variables...
[ tup ] [0.157s] Parsing Tupfiles...
1) [0.003s] src
[ ] 100%
[ tup ] [0.190s] No files to delete.
[ tup ] [0.190s] Generating .gitignore files...
[ tup ] [0.366s] Executing Commands...
* 1) src: nim c --nimcache:".nimcache" --deadcodeElim:on -d:release -d:ssl -d:threads --verbosity:0 -o:../bin/unicode unicode.nim && rm -rf .nimcache
unicode.nim(4, 6) Error: undeclared identifier: 'λ'
*** tup errors ***
*** Command ID=47 failed with return value 1
tup error: Expected to write to file '../bin/unicode' from cmd 47 but didn't
*** Additionally, command 47 failed to process input dependencies. These should probably be fixed before addressing the command failure.
[ ] 100%
*** tup: 1 job failed.