xena@fluttershy (linux) ~/code/nim/crypt ➜ tup [ tup ] [0.000s] Scanning filesystem... [ tup ] [0.130s] Reading in new environment variables... [ tup ] [0.130s] No Tupfiles to parse. [ tup ] [0.130s] No files to delete. [ tup ] [0.130s] Executing Commands... 1) [0.581s] nim c --nimcache:".nimcache" --deadcodeElim:on --verbosity:0 crypt.nim && rm -rf .nimcache [ ] 100% [ tup ] [0.848s] Updated. xena@fluttershy (linux) ~/code/nim/crypt ➜ ls crypt* crypt.nim Tupfile Tuprules.tup xena@fluttershy (linux) ~/code/nim/crypt ➜ ./crypt What would you like to encrypt? foo What is the salt? rs result: rsHt73tkfd0Rg xena@fluttershy (linux) ~/code/nim/crypt ➜ ./crypt What would you like to encrypt? foobar What is the salt? rsrs result: rsIAElMY6DoKI