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+title: "A Trip into FreeBSD"
+date: 2021-02-13
+ - freebsd
+# A Trip into FreeBSD
+I normally deal with Linux machines. Linux is what I know and it's what I've
+been using since I was in college. A friend of mine has been coaxing me into
+trying out [FreeBSD](https://www.freebsd.org), and I decided to try it out and
+see what it's like. Here's some details about my experience and what I've
+## Hardware
+I've tried out FreeBSD on the following hardware:
+- qemu/KVM on amd64
+- Raspberry Pi 4 (4 GB)
+- Raspberry Pi 3B (1 GB)
+I've had the most luck with the Raspberry Pi 3 though. The KVM machine would
+hang infinitely after the install process waiting for the mail service to do a
+DNS probe of its own hostname (I do not host automagic FQDNS for my vms). I'm
+pretty sure I was doing something wrong there but I wasn't able to figure out
+what I needed to do in order to disable the DNS probe blocking startup.
+[If you know what we were doing wrong here, please feel free to contact us with the thing we messed
+After waiting for about 5 minutes I gave up and decided to try out the Raspberry
+Pi 4. The Raspberry Pi 4 is the most powerful arm board I own. It has 4 GB of
+ram and a quad core processor that is way more than sufficient for my needs. I
+was hoping to use FreeBSD on that machine so I could benefit from the hardware
+the most. Following the instructions on [the wiki
+page](https://wiki.freebsd.org/arm/Raspberry%20Pi), I downloaded the 12.2 RPI
+image and flashed it to an SD card using Etcher. I put the SD card in, turned
+the raspi on and then waited for it to show up on the network.
+Except it never showed up on the network. I ran scans with nmap (specifically
+with the command `sudo nmap -sS -p 22`) and the IP address never
+showed up. I also didn't see any new MAC addresses on the network, so that lead
+me to believe that the pi was failing to boot. I downloaded an image for 13-BETA
+and followed [this
+that claims to make it work on the pi 4, but I got the same issue. The Raspberry
+Pi 4 unfortunately has a micro-HDMI port on it, so I was unable to attach it to
+my monitor to see any error messages. After trying for a while to see if I could
+set up a serial port to get the serial log messages (spoiler: I couldn't), I dug
+up my Pi 3 and stuck the same SD card into it, hooked it up to my monitor,
+attached a spare keyboard to it and booted into FreeBSD first try.
+## Using FreeBSD
+FreeBSD is a very down to earth operating system. It also has a
+[handbook](https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/) that legitimately
+includes all of the information you need to get up and running. Following the
+handbook, I set a new password, installed the `pkg` tool, set up
+[fish](https://fishshell.com) and then also installed the Go compiler toolchain
+for the hell of it.
+`pkg` is a very minimal looking package manager. It doesn't have very many
+frills and it is integrated into the system pretty darn well. It looks like it
+prefers putting everything into `/usr/local`, including init scripts and other
+configuration files.
+This interestingly lets you separate out the concerns of the base system from
+individual machine-local configuration. I am not sure if this also works with
+files like `/etc/resolv.conf` or other system configuration files, but it does
+really give `/usr/local` a reason to exist beyond being a legacy location for
+yolo-installed software that may or may not be able to be upgraded separately.
+## Custom Services
+Speaking of services, I wanted to see how hard it would be to get a custom
+service running on a FreeBSD box. At the minimum I would need the following:
+- The binary built for freebsd/aarch64 and installed to `/usr/local/bin`
+- A user account for that service
+- An init script for that service
+- To enable the init script in `/etc/rc.conf`
+I decided to do this with a service I made years ago called
+### Building a Binary
+Building the service is easy, I just go into the directory and run `go build`.
+Then I get a binary. Running it in another tmux tab, we can see it in action:
+$ curl http://[::1]:9090
+I can also run the curl command from my macbook:
+$ curl http://pai:9090
+Cool, I've got a working service! Let's install it to `/usr/local/bin`:
+$ doas cp ./whatismyip /usr/local/bin
+[Wait, `doas`? What is `doas`? It looks like it's doing something close to what
+sudo does.](conversation://Mara/hmm)
+[doas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doas) is a program that does most of the
+same things that sudo does, but it's a much smaller codebase. I decided to try
+out doas for this install for no other reason than I thought it would be a cool
+thing to learn. It's actually pretty simple, and I'm going to look at using it
+elsewhere (with an alias for `sudo` -> `doas`).
+### Service User
+The handbook says that we use the
+command to add users to the system. So, let's run `adduser` to create a
+`whatsmyip` user:
+# adduser
+Username: whatsmyip
+Full name: github.com/Xe/whatsmyip
+Uid (Leave empty for default): 666
+Login group [whatsmyip]:
+Login group is whatsmyip. Invite whatsmyip into other groups? []:
+Login class [default]:
+Shell (sh csh tcsh bash rbash git-shell fish nologin) [sh]: sh
+Home directory [/home/whatsmyip]: /var/db/whatsmyip
+Home directory permissions (Leave empty for default):
+Use password-based authentication? [yes]: no
+Lock out the account after creation? [no]: yes
+Username : whatsmyip
+Password :
+Full Name : github.com/Xe/whatsmyip
+Uid : 666
+Class :
+Groups : whatsmyip
+Home : /var/db/whatsmyip
+Home Mode :
+Shell : /bin/sh
+Locked : yes
+OK? (yes/no): yes
+adduser: INFO: Successfully added (whatsmyip) to the user database.
+adduser: INFO: Account (whatsmyip) is locked.
+Add another user? (yes/no): no
+It's a bit weird that there's not a flow for creating a "system user" that
+automatically sets the flags that I expect from Linux system administration, but
+I was able to specify the values manually without too much effort.
+Something interesting is that when I set the user account to `nologin` I
+actually was unable to log in as the user. Usually in Linux you can hack around
+this with `su` flags but FreeBSD doesn't have this escape hatch. Neat.
+### Init Script
+Now that I had the service account set up, I need to write an init service that
+will start this program on boot. Following other parts of the handbook I was
+able to get a base script that looks like this:
+# PROVIDE: whatsmyip
+# KEYWORD: shutdown
+. /etc/rc.subr
+command_args="-S -u whatsmyip -r -f -p /var/run/whatsmyip.pid /usr/local/bin/whatsmyip"
+load_rc_config $name
+# SET THEM IN THE /etc/rc.conf FILE
+run_rc_command "$1"
+Now I can copy this file to `/usr/local/etc/rc.d/whatsmyip` and then make sure
+it's set to the permissions `0555` with something like:
+$ chmod 0555 ./whatsmyip.rc
+$ doas cp ./whatsmyip.rc /usr/local/etc/rc.d/whatsmyip
+### Enabling The Service
+Once I had the file in the right place, I enabled the service in `/etc/rc.conf`
+like this:
+# whatsmyip
+Then I started the service with `service whatsmyip start`, and I was unable to
+start the service. I got this error:
+Feb 13 20:40:00 pai freebsd[1519]: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/whatsmyip: WARNING: failed to start whatsmyip
+And no other useful information to help me actually fix the problem. I assume
+there's some weirdness going on with permissions, so let's sidestep the user
+account for now and just run the service as root directly by changing the
+`command_args` in `/usr/local/etc/rc.d/whatsmyip`:
+command_args="-S -r -p /var/run/whatsmyip.pid /usr/local/bin/whatsmyip"
+Restarting the service, everything works! I can hit that service all I want and
+I get back the IP address that I used to hit that service.
+## What I Learned
+FreeBSD has _excellent_ documentation. The people on the documentation team
+really care about making the handbook useful. I wish it went into more detail
+about best practices for making your own services (I had to crib from some other
+service files as well as googling for a minimal template), but overall it gives
+you enough information to get off the ground.
+FreeBSD is also fairly weird. It's familiar-ish, but it's a very different
+experience. It's also super-minimal. Looking at the output of `ps x`, there's
+only 45 processes running on the system, including kernel threads.
+root@pai ~# ps x | wc -l
+ 45
+The only processes are `init`, `dhclient`, a device manager, `syslog`,
+`tailscaled`, `sshd`, `cron`, `whatsmyip`, `fish` and a few instances of `getty`
+to allow me to log in with an HDMI monitor and keyboard should I need to. That's
+it. That's all that's running. It's only using 96 MB of ram and most of the
+machine's power is left over to me.
+It's just a shame that FreeBSD support for programming languages is so poor in
+general. Go works fine on it, but Rust doesn't have any pre-built binaries for
+the compiled (and using ports/pkg isn't an option because aarch64 is a tier-2
+architecture in FreeBSD land which means that it's not guaranteed to have
+prebuilt binaries for everything). Compiling Rust from source also really isn't
+an option because I don't have enough ram on my raspi to do that. Go works
+I really wonder how this kind of network effect will boil down with more and
+more security libraries like
+[pyca](https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/issues/5771) integrating Rust deeper
+into core security components. It probably means that people are going to have
+to step up and actually do the legwork required to get Rust working on more
+platforms, however it definitely is going to leave some older hardware or less
+commonly used configurations (like aarch64 FreeBSD) in the dust if we aren't
+careful. Maybe this isn't a technical problem, but it is definitely something
+interesting to think about.
+Overall, FreeBSD is an interesting tool and if I ever have a good use for it in
+my server infrastructure I will definitely give it a solid look. I just wish it
+was as easy to manage a FreeBSD system as it is to manage a NixOS system. A lot
+of my faffing about with `rc.conf` and rc scripts wouldn't have needed to
+happen if that was the case.