--- title: "How to Set Up Borg Backup on NixOS" date: 2021-01-09 series: howto tags: - nixos - borgbackup --- # How to Set Up Borg Backup on NixOS [Borg Backup](https://www.borgbackup.org/) is a encrypted, compressed, deduplicated backup program for multiple platforms including Linux. This combined with the [NixOS options for configuring Borg Backup](https://search.nixos.org/options?channel=20.09&show=services.borgbackup.jobs.%3Cname%3E.paths&from=0&size=30&sort=relevance&query=services.borgbackup.jobs) allows you to backup on a schedule and restore from those backups when you need to. Borg Backup works with local files, remote servers and there are even [cloud hosts](https://www.borgbackup.org/support/commercial.html) that specialize in hosting your backups. In this post we will cover how to set up a backup job on a server using [BorgBase](https://www.borgbase.com/)'s free tier to host the backup files. ## Setup You will need a few things: - A free BorgBase account - A server running NixOS - A list of folders to back up - A list of folders to NOT back up First, we will need to create a SSH key for root to use when connecting to BorgBase. Open a shell as root on the server and make a `borgbackup` folder in root's home directory: ```shell mkdir borgbackup cd borgbackup ``` Then create a SSH key that will be used to connect to BorgBase: ```shell ssh-keygen -f ssh_key -t ed25519 -C "Borg Backup" ``` Ignore the SSH key password because at this time the automated Borg Backup job doesn't allow the use of password-protected SSH keys. Now we need to create an encryption passphrase for the backup repository. Run this command to generate one using [xkcdpass](https://pypi.org/project/xkcdpass/): ```shell nix-shell -p python39Packages.xkcdpass --run 'xkcdpass -n 12' > passphrase ``` [You can do whatever you want to generate a suitable passphrase, however xkcdpass is proven to be more random than most other password generators.](conversation://Mara/hacker) ## BorgBase Setup Now that we have the basic requirements out of the way, let's configure BorgBase to use that SSH key. In the BorgBase UI click on the Account tab in the upper right and open the SSH key management window. Click on Add Key and paste in the contents of `./ssh_key.pub`. Name it after the hostname of the server you are working on. Click Add Key and then go back to the Repositories tab in the upper right. Click New Repo and name it after the hostname of the server you are working on. Select the key you just created to have full access. Choose the region of the backup volume and then click Add Repository. On the main page copy the repository path with the copy icon next to your repository in the list. You will need this below. Attempt to SSH into the backup repo in order to have ssh recognize the server's host key: ```shell ssh -i ./ssh_key o6h6zl22@o6h6zl22.repo.borgbase.com ``` Then accept the host key and press control-c to terminate the SSH connection. ## NixOS Configuration In your `configuration.nix` file, add the following block: ```nix services.borgbackup.jobs."borgbase" = { paths = [ "/var/lib" "/srv" "/home" ]; exclude = [ # very large paths "/var/lib/docker" "/var/lib/systemd" "/var/lib/libvirt" # temporary files created by cargo and `go build` "**/target" "/home/*/go/bin" "/home/*/go/pkg" ]; repo = "o6h6zl22@o6h6zl22.repo.borgbase.com:repo"; encryption = { mode = "repokey-blake2"; passCommand = "cat /root/borgbackup/passphrase"; }; environment.BORG_RSH = "ssh -i /root/borgbackup/ssh_key"; compression = "auto,lzma"; startAt = "daily"; }; ``` Customize the paths and exclude lists to your needs. Once you are satisfied, rebuild your NixOS system using `nixos-rebuild`: ```shell nixos-rebuild switch ``` And then you can fire off an initial backup job with this command: ```shell systemctl start borgbackup-job-borgbase.service ``` Monitor the job with this command: ```shell journalctl -fu borgbackup-job-borgbase.service ``` The first backup job will always take the longest to run. Every incremental backup after that will get smaller and smaller. By default, the system will create new backup snapshots every night at midnight local time. ## Restoring Files To restore files, first figure out when you want to restore the files from. NixOS includes a wrapper script for each Borg job you define. you can mount your backup archive using this command: ``` mkdir mount borg-job-borgbase mount o6h6zl22@o6h6zl22.repo.borgbase.com:repo ./mount ``` Then you can explore the backup (and with it each incremental snapshot) to your heart's content and copy files out manually. You can look through each folder and copy out what you need. When you are done you can unmount it with this command: ``` borg-job-borgbase umount /root/borgbase/mount ``` --- And that's it! You can get more fancy with nixops using a setup [like this](https://github.com/Xe/nixos-configs/blob/master/common/services/backup.nix). In general though, you can get away with this setup. It may be a good idea to copy down the encryption passphrase onto paper and put it in a safe space like a safety deposit box. For more information about Borg Backup on NixOS, see [the relevant chapter of the NixOS manual](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#module-borgbase) or [the list of borgbackup options](https://search.nixos.org/options?channel=20.09&query=services.borgbackup.jobs) that you can pick from. I hope this is able to help.