--- title: "Site Update: A Sigil" date: 2022-01-11 --- The upper left-hand corner of my website has gotten more interesting as of recently. I have decided to experiment with adding an SVG icon to the upper left hand corner of the page. This is the sigilized form of the name `Xe Iaso`. This sigil is equivalent in meaning and semantics to the name `Xe Iaso`. Here is a version of it in a much bigger size:
[Fun fact: the sigil is written using Gregg Shorthand. It says the phonetic equivalent of `Xe Iaso`.](conversation://Mara/hacker) I have tested this in Edge on Linux, Firefox on Linux, Chrome on Android and Safari on iOS. This should cover most of the big web browsers, but surely I've missed something. If you use a _modern release_ of a _standards compliant_ web browser and you don't see a logo anywhere on the page, please let me know so I can go cry and then hopefully fix the issue.