title: Colemak Layout - Beginning
date: 2020-08-15
series: colemak

# Colemak Layout - Beginning

I write a lot. On average I write a few kilobytes of text per day. This has been
adding up and is taking a huge toll on my hands, especially considering the
Covid situation. Something needs to change. I've been working on learning a new
keyboard layout: [Colemak](https://colemak.com).

This post will be shorter than most of my posts because I'm writing it with
Colemak enabled on my iPad. Writing this is painfully slow at the moment. My
sentences are short and choppy because those are easier to type. 

I also have a [ZSA Moonlander](https://www.zsa.io/moonlander/) on the way, it
should be here in October or November. I will also be sure to write about that
once I get it in the mail.

So far, I have about 30 words per minute on the homerow, but once I go off the
homerow the speed tanks to less than about five.

However, I am making progress!

Be well all, don't stress your hands out.