use crate::{ app::{Job, State}, templates, }; use axum::{ body, extract::Extension, http::StatusCode, response::{Html, IntoResponse, Response}, Json, }; use chrono::{Datelike, Timelike, Utc, Weekday}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use prometheus::{opts, register_int_counter_vec, IntCounterVec}; use std::sync::Arc; use tracing::instrument; pub mod blog; pub mod feeds; pub mod gallery; pub mod talks; fn weekday_to_name(w: Weekday) -> &'static str { use Weekday::*; match w { Sun => "Sun", Mon => "Mon", Tue => "Tue", Wed => "Wed", Thu => "Thu", Fri => "Fri", Sat => "Sat", } } fn month_to_name(m: u32) -> &'static str { match m { 1 => "Jan", 2 => "Feb", 3 => "Mar", 4 => "Apr", 5 => "May", 6 => "Jun", 7 => "Jul", 8 => "Aug", 9 => "Sep", 10 => "Oct", 11 => "Nov", 12 => "Dec", _ => "Unk", } } lazy_static! { static ref HIT_COUNTER: IntCounterVec = register_int_counter_vec!(opts!("hits", "Number of hits to various pages"), &["page"]) .unwrap(); pub static ref LAST_MODIFIED: String = { let now = Utc::now(); format!( "{dayname}, {day} {month} {year} {hour}:{minute}:{second} GMT", dayname = weekday_to_name(now.weekday()), day =, month = month_to_name(now.month()), year = now.year(), hour = now.hour(), minute = now.minute(), second = now.second() ) }; } #[instrument] pub async fn index() -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["index"]).inc(); let mut result: Vec = vec![]; templates::index_html(&mut result)?; Ok(Html(result)) } #[instrument] pub async fn contact() -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["contact"]).inc(); let mut result: Vec = vec![]; templates::contact_html(&mut result)?; Ok(Html(result)) } #[instrument] pub async fn feeds() -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["feeds"]).inc(); let mut result: Vec = vec![]; templates::feeds_html(&mut result)?; Ok(Html(result)) } #[axum_macros::debug_handler] #[instrument(skip(state))] pub async fn salary_transparency(Extension(state): Extension>) -> Result { HIT_COUNTER .with_label_values(&["salary_transparency"]) .inc(); let state = state.clone(); let mut result: Vec = vec![]; templates::salary_transparency(&mut result, state.cfg.clone())?; Ok(Html(result)) } #[axum_macros::debug_handler] #[instrument(skip(state))] pub async fn salary_transparency_json(Extension(state): Extension>) -> Json> { HIT_COUNTER .with_label_values(&["salary_transparency_json"]) .inc(); Json(state.clone().cfg.clone().job_history.clone()) } #[axum_macros::debug_handler] #[instrument(skip(state))] pub async fn resume(Extension(state): Extension>) -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["resume"]).inc(); let state = state.clone(); let mut result: Vec = vec![]; templates::resume_html(&mut result, templates::Html(state.resume.clone()))?; Ok(Html(result)) } #[instrument(skip(state))] pub async fn patrons(Extension(state): Extension>) -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["patrons"]).inc(); let state = state.clone(); let mut result: Vec = vec![]; match &state.patrons { None => Err(Error::NoPatrons), Some(patrons) => { templates::patrons_html(&mut result, patrons.clone())?; Ok(Html(result)) } } } #[axum_macros::debug_handler] #[instrument(skip(state))] pub async fn signalboost(Extension(state): Extension>) -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["signalboost"]).inc(); let state = state.clone(); let mut result: Vec = vec![]; templates::signalboost_html(&mut result, state.signalboost.clone())?; Ok(Html(result)) } #[instrument] pub async fn not_found() -> Result { HIT_COUNTER.with_label_values(&["not_found"]).inc(); let mut result: Vec = vec![]; templates::notfound_html(&mut result, "some path".into())?; Ok(Html(result)) } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum Error { #[error("series not found: {0}")] SeriesNotFound(String), #[error("post not found: {0}")] PostNotFound(String), #[error("patreon key not working, poke me to get this fixed")] NoPatrons, #[error("io error: {0}")] IO(#[from] std::io::Error), #[error("axum http error: {0}")] AxumHTTP(#[from] axum::http::Error), #[error("string conversion error: {0}")] ToStr(#[from] http::header::ToStrError), } pub type Result>> = std::result::Result; impl IntoResponse for Error { fn into_response(self) -> Response { let mut result: Vec = vec![]; templates::error_html(&mut result, format!("{}", self)).unwrap(); let body = body::boxed(body::Full::from(result)); Response::builder() .status(match self { Error::SeriesNotFound(_) | Error::PostNotFound(_) => StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, _ => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, }) .body(body) .unwrap() } }