title: Trisiel Update
date: 2020-12-04
series: olin
 - trisiel

# Trisiel Update

The project I formerly called
[wasmcloud](/blog/wasmcloud-progress-domains-2020-10-31) has now been renamed to
Trisiel after the discovery of a name conflict. The main domain for Trisiel is
now https://trisiel.com to avoid any confusions between our two projects.

Planning for implementing and hosting Trisiel is still in progress. I will give
more updates as they are ready to be released. To get more up to the minute
information please follow the twitter account
[@trisielcloud](https://twitter.com/trisielcloud), I will be posting there as I
have more information.

> I am limitless. There is no cage or constraint that can corral me into one
> constant place. I am limitless. I can change, shift, overcome, transform,
> because I am not bound to a thing that serves me, and my body serves me.

Quantusum, James Mahu