{ "header": { "name": "Christine Dodrill", "blog": "Blog", "contact": "Contact", "resume": "Resume" }, "meta": { "copyright": "Copyright %s Christine Dodrill. Any and all opinions listed here are my own, not my employer's.", "rss_copyright": "This work is copyright Christine Dodrill. My viewpoints are my own and not the view of any employer past, current or future.", "json_feed": "This is a JSON feed of my blogposts. For more information, read: https://jsonfeed.org/version/1" }, "index": { "contact_me": "Contact Me", "title": "Web and Backend Services Devops Specialist", "skills": "Skills", "highlighted_projects": "Highlighted Projects" }, "blog": { "index_title": "Blogposts", "blogroll": "Other Blogs I Find Interesting", "description": "My blog posts and rants about various technology things.", "title": "Christine Dodrill's Blog", "posted_on": "Posted on %s", "read_this": "Read Post", "disclaimer": "Content posted on %s, opinions and preferences of the author may have changed since then." }, "contact": { "header": "Contact Information", "email": "Email", "social_media": "Social Media", "other_info": "Other Information", "donations": "To send me donations, my bitcoin address is: ", "irc_comment": "I am on many IRC networks. On Freenode I am using the nick Xe but elsewhere I will use the nick Xena or Cadey." }, "error": { "title": "Error", "post_not_found": "no such post found: %s" }, "resume": { "plaintext": "Plain-text version of this resume here" } }