title: "How Mara Works"
date: 2020-09-30
- avif
- webp
- markdown
Recently I introduced Mara to this blog and I didn't explain much of the theory
and implementation behind them in order to proceed with the rest of the post.
There was actually a significant amount of engineering that went into
implementing Mara and I'd like to go into detail about this as well as explain
how I implemented them into this blog.
## Mara's Background
Mara is an anthropomorphic shark. They are nonbinary and go by they/she
pronouns. Mara enjoys hacking, swimming and is a Chaotic Good Rogue in the
tabletop games I've played her in. Mara was originally made to help test my
upcoming tabletop game The Source, and I have used them in a few solitaire
tabletop sessions (click
[here](http://cetacean.club/journal/mara-castle-charon.gmi) to read the results
of one of these).
[I use a hand-soldered Ergodox with the stenographer layout so I can dab on
the haters at 200 words per minute!](conversation://Mara/hacker)
## The Theory
My blogposts have a habit of getting long, wordy and sometimes pretty damn dry.
I notice that there are usually a few common threads in how this becomes the
case, so I want to do these three things to help keep things engaging.
1. I go into detail. A lot of detail. This can make paragraphs long and wordy
because there is legitimately a lot to cover. [fasterthanlime's Cool Bear's
Hot Tip](https://fasterthanli.me/articles/image-decay-as-a-service) is a good
way to help Amos focus on the core and let another character bring up the
finer details that may go off the core of the message.
2. I have been looking into how to integrate concepts from [The Socratic
method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socratic_method) into my posts. The
Socratic method focuses on dialogue/questions and answers between
interlocutors as a way to explore a topic that can be dry or vague.
3. [Soatok's
was an inspiration to this. Soatok dives into deep technical topics that can
feel like a slog, and inserts some stickers between paragraphs to help keep
things upbeat and lively.
I wanted to make a unique way to help break up walls of text using the concepts
of Cool Bear's Hot Tip and the Socratic method with some furry art sprinkled in
and I eventually arrived at Mara.
[Fun fact! My name was originally derived from a Buddhist conceptual demon of
forces antagonistic to enlightenment which is deliciously ironic given that
my role is to help people understand things now.](conversation://Mara/hacker)
## How Mara is Implemented
I write my blogposts in
[Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/), specifically a
dialect that has some niceties from [GitHub flavored
as parsed by [comrak](https://docs.rs/comrak). Mara's interjections are actually
specially formed links, such as this:
[Hi! I am saying something!](conversation://Mara/hacker)
[Hi! I am saying something!](conversation://Mara/hacker)
Notice how the destination URL doesn't actually exist. It's actually intercepted
in my [markdown parsing
and then a [HTML
is used to create the divs that make up the image and conversation bits. I have
intentionally left this open so I can add more characters in the future. I may
end up making some stickers for myself so I can reply to Mara a-la [this
blogpost by
(search for "What's with the @@GLIBC_2.2.5 suffixes?"). The syntax of the URL is
as follows:
This will then fetch the images off of my CDN hosted by CloudFlare. However if
you are using Tor to view my site, this may result in not being able to see the
images. I am working on ways to solve this. Please bear with me, this stuff is
You may have noticed that Mara sometimes has links inside her dialogue.
Understandably, this is something that vanilla markdown does not support.
However, I enabled putting raw HTML in my markdown which lets this work anyways!
Consider this:
[My art was drawn by Selicre!](conversation://Mara/hacker)
In the markdown source, that actually looks like this:
[My art was drawn by Selicre!](conversation://Mara/hacker)
This is honestly one of my favorite parts of how this is implemented, though
others I have shown this to say it's kind of terrifying.
### The `