@use super::{header_html, footer_html};
@use crate::signalboost::Person;

@(people: Vec<Person>)

@:header_html(Some("Signal Boosts"), None)

<h1>Signal Boosts</h1>

<p>These awesome people are currently looking for a job. If you are looking for anyone with these skills, please feel free to reach out to them.</p>

<p>To add yourself to this list, fork <a href="https://github.com/Xe/site">this website's source code</a> and send a pull request with edits to <code>/dhall/signalboost.dhall</code>.</p>

<!-- TODO(Xe): Remove this after COVID-19 is less of a thing -->
<p>With COVID-19 raging across the world, these people are in need of a job now more than ever.</p>


<div class="grid signalboost">
    @for person in people {
        <div class="cell -4of12 content">
            <p>@for tag in person.tags { @tag }</p>
            @if person.git_link.is_some() {
              <a href="@person.git_link.unwrap()">GitHub</a>
            @if person.twitter.is_some() {
              <a href="@person.twitter.unwrap()">Twitter</a>
