title: hlang in 30 Seconds
date: 2021-01-04
series: h
 - satire

hlang (the h language) is a revolutionary new use of WebAssembly that enables
single-paridigm programming without any pesky state or memory accessing. The
simplest program you can use in hlang is the h world program:


When run in [the hlang playground](https://h.christine.website/play), you can
see its output:


To get more output, separate multiple h's by spaces:

h h h h

This returns:


## Internationalization

For internationalization concerns, hlang also supports the Lojbanic h `'`. You can
mix h and `'` to your heart's content:

' h '

This returns:


Finally an easy solution to your pesky Lojban internationalization problems!

## Errors

For maximum understandability, compiler errors are provided in Lojban. For
example this error tells you that you have an invalid character at the first
character of the string:

h: gentoldra fi'o zvati fe li no

Here is an interlinear gloss of that error:

h: gentoldra     fi'o zvati  fe           li         no
   grammar-wrong existing-at second-place use-number 0

And now you are fully fluent in hlang, the most exciting programming language
since sliced bread.