title: There's a Node In The Cluster In The Cloud
date: 2021-10-02
 - kubernetes
 - satire

Ever confused about how the parts of Kubernetes work together? Follow along with
this song made to the tune of [There's a Hole in the Bottom of the
Sea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK6UNRnbfnw)! It's not too hard and there's
very few moving parts. Sing along!


There's a node in the cluster in the cloud.

There's a node in the cluster in the cloud.

There's a node; there's a node; there's a node in the cluster in the cloud.

There's a pod on the node in the cluster in the cloud.

There's a pod on the node in the cluster in the cloud. 

There's a pod; there's a pod; there's a pod on the node in the cluster in the cloud.

There's a container in the pod on the node in the cluster in the cloud. 

There's a container in the pod on the node in the cluster in the cloud. 

There's a container; there's a container; there's a container in the pod on the
node in the cluster in the cloud.

There's a ReplicaSet controlling the pods with the containers on the nodes in
the cluster in the cloud.

There's a ReplicaSet controlling the pods with the
containers on the nodes in the cluster in the cloud. 

There's a ReplicaSet; there's a ReplicaSet; There's a ReplicaSet controlling the
pods with the containers on the nodes in the cluster in the cloud.

There's a Deployment templating the ReplicaSet controlling the pods with
containers on the nodes in the cluster in the cloud.

There's a Deployment
templating the ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the nodes in
the cluster in the cloud.

There's a Deployment; there's a Deployment; there's a
Deployment templating the ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the
nodes in the cluster in the cloud. 

There's a Service exposing the Deployment templating the ReplicaSet controlling
the pods with containers on the nods in the cluster in the cloud.

There's a
Service exposing the Deployment templating the ReplicaSet controlling the pods
with containers on the nods in the cluster in the cloud. 

There's a Service; there's a Service; There's a Service exposing the Deployment
templating the ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the nods in
the cluster in the cloud. 

There's an Ingress allowing traffic to the Service exposing the Deployment
templating the ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the nods in
the cluster in the cloud.
There's an Ingress allowing traffic to the Service exposing the Deployment
templating the ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the nods in
the cluster in the cloud.

There's an Ingress; there's an Ingress; there's an Ingress allowing traffic to
the Service exposing the Deployment templating the ReplicaSet controlling the
pods with containers on the nodes in the cluster in the cloud. 

There's an Ingress controller routing to the service specified by the Ingress
allowing traffic to the Service exposing the Deployment templating the
ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the nods in the cluster in
the cloud.

There's an Ingress controller routing to the service specified by the Ingress
allowing traffic to the Service exposing the Deployment templating the
ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the nods in the cluster in
the cloud.

There's an Ingress controller; there's an ingress controller; there's an Ingress
controller routing to the service specified by the Ingress allowing traffic to
the Service exposing the Deployment templating the ReplicaSet controlling the
pods with containers on the nods in the cluster in the cloud.

There's a certificate manager holding secrets for the Ingress controller routing
to the Service specified by the Ingress exposing the Deployment templating the
ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the nods in the cluster in
the cloud.

There's a certificate manager holding secrets for the Ingress controller routing
to the Service specified by the Ingress exposing the Deployment templating the
ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the nods in the cluster in
the cloud.

There's a certificate manager; there's a certificate manager; There's a
certificate manager holding secrets for the Ingress controller routing to the
Service specified by the Ingress exposing the Deployment templating the
ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the nods in the cluster in
the cloud.

There's a DNS controller pointing traffic to the Ingress controller routing to
the Service specified by the Ingress exposing the Deployment templating the
ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the nods in the cluster in
the cloud.

There's a DNS controller pointing traffic to the Ingress controller routing to
the Service specified by the Ingress exposing the Deployment templating the
ReplicaSet controlling the pods with containers on the nods in the cluster in
the cloud.

There's a DNS controller; there's a DNS controller; there's a DNS controller
pointing traffic to the Ingress controller routing to the Service specified by
the Ingress exposing the Deployment templating the ReplicaSet controlling the
pods with containers on the nodes in the cluster in the cloud.


Adapted from [this
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enlightening shitposts like this!