use crate::{ app::{config::Job, State}, handlers::Result, post::Post, }; use axum::extract::{Extension, Json, Path}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use prometheus::{opts, register_int_counter_vec, IntCounterVec}; use std::sync::Arc; lazy_static! { static ref BLOG: IntCounterVec = register_int_counter_vec!( opts!("blogpost_json_hits", "Number of hits to blogposts"), &["name"] ) .unwrap(); static ref TALK: IntCounterVec = register_int_counter_vec!( opts!("talks_json_hits", "Number of hits to talks images"), &["name"] ) .unwrap(); } #[axum_macros::debug_handler] #[instrument(skip(state))] pub async fn salary_transparency(Extension(state): Extension>) -> Json> { super::HIT_COUNTER .with_label_values(&["salary_transparency_json"]) .inc(); Json(state.clone().cfg.clone().job_history.clone()) } #[instrument(skip(state))] pub async fn blog( Path(name): Path, Extension(state): Extension>, ) -> Result> { let mut want: Option = None; let want_link = format!("blog/{}", name); for post in & { if == want_link { want = Some(post.clone()); } } match want { None => Err(super::Error::PostNotFound(name)), Some(post) => { BLOG.with_label_values(&[name.clone().as_str()]).inc(); Ok(Json(post.into())) } } } #[instrument(skip(state))] pub async fn talk( Path(name): Path, Extension(state): Extension>, ) -> Result> { let mut want: Option = None; let want_link = format!("talks/{}", name); for post in &state.talks { if == want_link { want = Some(post.clone()); } } match want { None => Err(super::Error::PostNotFound(name)), Some(post) => { TALK.with_label_values(&[name.clone().as_str()]).inc(); Ok(Json(post.into())) } } }