title: A Letter to Those That Bullied Me
date: 2018-06-16
for: Elizabeth
 - offmychest


I'm not angry at you. I don't want to propagate hate. In a way, I almost feel like I should be thanking you for the contributions you've made in making me into the person I am today. Without you all, I would have had a completely different outcome in life. I would have stayed in the closet for good like I had planned. I would have probably ended up boring. I would have never met my closest friends and some even more.

I forgive you for the hurtful things that were said years ago. I forgive you for the actions or the exclusion that was done against me. Those wounds are obliterated, what's in its place now stronger than ever. Those wounds taught me how to heal them. Without your hurt to create those wounds, I would have never learned to heal from them. Thank you for this. You have done something so invaluable out of something that (at the time) was so devastating to me.

Please don't feel bad about having done those things when we were kids. We were all dumb and didn't know better. We all tried as best as we could with what we had. 

Bless your path.