@use super::{header_html, footer_html, mara}; @use crate::post::Post; @use chrono::prelude::*; @(post: Post, body: impl ToHtml) @:header_html(Some(&post.front_matter.title.clone()), None) @if Utc::today().num_days_from_ce() < post.date.num_days_from_ce() {
@:mara("hacker", "Mara", Html(format!(r#"Hey, this post is set to go live to the public on {} UTC. Right now you are reading a pre-publication version of this post. Please do not share this on social media. This post will automatically go live for everyone on the intended publication date. If you want access to these posts, please join the Patreon. It helps me afford the copyeditor that I contract for the technical content I write."#, post.detri())))
} else { } @body Link to the slides

This article was posted on @post.detri(). Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.

@if post.front_matter.series.is_some() {

Series: @post.front_matter.series.as_ref().unwrap()

} @if post.front_matter.tags.is_some() {

Tags: @for tag in post.front_matter.tags.as_ref().unwrap() { @tag }

} @:footer_html()